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The future. It’s the reason why teachers teach.

sample of billboard ad

Teachers have a hand in guiding and nurturing Alberta’s future citizens, leaders, builders, researchers and adventurers. Teachers see students’ possibilities and potential. Teachers are the professionals responsible for shaping the future.

The Alberta Teachers’ Association (ATA) is engaged in a media campaign to raise the image of teachers and the teaching profession in Alberta. The campaign’s goal is to increase understanding and support for the work that teachers do. The campaign features fun and unexpected visuals with clever and humorous headlines that demonstrate the positive influence teachers have on our future. The treatment is youthful and bright but it delivers a serious message about the influence of teachers. It is a campaign that allows teachers to pat themselves on the back for a job well done.

The media used in the campaign are billboards, parent magazines and radio spots. To see the three different versions of the billboards and magazine ads and to listen to the radio ad, visit the ATA’s website ( and click on Fall Media Campaign at the top). The ads will be featured for the month of November.

For more information, contact Donna Swiniarski at 447-9467 in Edmonton, 1-800-232-7208 from elsewhere in Alberta, or e-mail

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