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Françoise Ruban appointed to ATA

Françoise RubanFrançoise Ruban has been appointed to the executive staff of the Alberta Teachers’ Association (ATA).

Ruban begins work at Barnett House, in Edmonton, June 1, 2008, and will have her duties split between the ATA’s Professional Development and Government program areas.

Presently, Ruban is teaching and studying at the University of Alberta; she works fulltime as a course instructor at Campus Saint-Jean and is completing a doctorate in educational policy studies through the Faculty of Education.

Ruban taught French immersion in the Calgary, Edmonton and Lethbridge public school districts during the early years of her career before beginning her teaching career with the St. Albert Protestant Separate School District in 1988. She has held the posts of teacher, department head and curriculum coordinator and, prior to her secondment to Campus Saint-Jean in 2005, was assistant principal at Paul Kane High School, in St. Albert.

In addition to significant field experience as a teacher and administrator, Ruban brings to the Association valuable committee and facilitation experience gained through her active involvement with the ATA and other education-centred organizations.

Ruban received bachelor degrees in education and art from the University of Manitoba before acquiring her master’s in education at the University of Alberta.

The Professional Development program area develops strategies, resources and presentations supporting teacher growth and curriculum development. The Government program area oversees all aspects of the Association’s internal and external operations, which includes administration, government relations and communications with its local associations.

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