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Q & A: What is the ATA’s program planning and budget process?

October 23, 2012

Question: I received a copy of the Alberta Teachers’ Association’s general objectives and its program emphases for 2012/13. What is this document and how does it fit into the Association’s program planning and budgeting?

Answer: Thanks for asking.

Establishing program emphases for 2012/13 was the last step of a program planning and budget approval process that started a year before. Likewise, at its upcoming meeting (October 25 and 26), Provincial Executive Council will discuss the proposed program prognoses for 2013/14. Subcommittees of Council consider these proposals by program areas (Government and Administration, Member Services, Professional Development, and Teacher Welfare) and amend, delete or add proposed programs.

Between October and January, Council assesses priorities, considers alternatives, receives detailed costing of programs and transforms suggested program plans into a proposed budget. The proposed budget and proposed fees are provided in detail to local associations following approval at Council’s January meeting. Local associations provide feedback to Council on the draft budget and programs and, if required, the budget is revised on the basis of feedback.

The budget, including the required fee to fund it, is ­presented to the Annual Representative Assembly (ARA) for approval. Following ARA, the proposed program prognoses are revised to reflect  those programs that have been funded, to identify Association priorities, and  become the approved program emphases for the year ahead. The process starts all over again with the development of a new set of draft program prognoses for the following year.

If you have questions about the Association’s program and budget planning process, please call me at Barnett House—in Edmonton and area, call 780-447-9400; from elsewhere in Alberta, call toll free at 1-800-232-7208.

Questions for consideration in this column are welcome. Please address them to Gordon Thomas at Barnett House (

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