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Your Views

October 27, 2020

Letters to the editor

Indigenous perspectives needed in modern curriculum

Thank you for your editorial in issue 55-3 of the ATA News (“Commit to truth and reconciliation or take off the orange shirt.”)

As a masters student in Indigenous education through the University of Saskatchewan, I continue to make room in my mind and heart for Indigenous knowledge and perspectives. The best way to understand the difference between the two is that knowledge is learning about, and perspective is learning from. Our curriculum must continue to work at understanding Indigenous perspectives.

Chris Champion’s comments are not only hurtful, they are short-sighted. The promotion of classical Eurocentric perspectives is a promotion of inequality and inequity.

In Social Studies 10, we encourage students to see, listen and consider multiple perspectives. Indigenous perspectives reiterate these same sentiments.

Champion’s comments, at their crux, are racist.

I appreciate your use of your platform, and I hope your words are well-received across the province. They certainly are with me.

Conor Pilz

Social studies, Jasper Place School, Edmonton


Facebook Feedback

On leaked curriculum documents and the ATA News release “Teachers have lost trust in curriculum redesign efforts”

Rhonda Brunken

Absolutely crazy that this government appoints a committee that is so out of touch with education and student learning.

Anna Nowakowski Hayes words. Let’s go back to the 50s and make kids memorize facts. So much teaching talent in Alberta. Why won’t this government listen?

Shala Vollman

Disgusting and shameful to be living in 2020 and have a committee that is this oblivious or “privileged” making decisions for our Alberta students. This is how the cycle continues.

Laura Myers

Thank you. Keep at them please. It’s a disaster waiting to happen.

Adam Jay

It doesn’t matter what we as ATA members call for, what we ask for, what we demand etc. etc. The UCP has an agenda, and they have their ear plugs firmly installed. They aren’t listening; they never had any intention of listening. It’s time for action.

Cassandra Kostuk

It seems completely logical that teachers teaching the curriculum should be integrally involved in creating it!


Letters to the editor: We welcome letters to the editor. Please limit your submission to 300 words. Only letters bearing a first and last name, address and daytime telephone number will be considered for publication. Teachers are also asked to indicate where and what they teach. All letters are subject to editing for length, clarity, punctuation, spelling and grammar.

Email managing editor Cory Hare:

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