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September 15, 2020

Social media reaction to the ATA’s call for curriculum advisor Chris Champion to be fired.




Darlene Gillis
Removing structural racism is a long-term health and safety issue for our staff and students. The effects of racism and the trauma inflicted, directly and indirectly, on someone’s health over the span of a lifetime is enormous. Taking a stand against the participation of this man, who could be responsible for creating questionable curriculum and policy that schools would be legally required to follow, is the right thing to do.



Alberta Jewish News @ABJewishNews
It is in our best interests as Albertans to not have individuals with hateful views and opinions, like Chris Champion, in positions of power. This is especially true when it comes to matters concerning the curriculum that will be the basis for what our children learn every day.

Kathryn Mathias @KathrynMathias1
Excellent. Having a curriculum advisor such as Chris Champion, who believes inclusion of First Nations perspectives in school lessons is a fad, is a sure way to perpetuate systemic racism, IMO.


On Twitter

Rick @baileydog8
As a retired principal, I can only say that I am in awe of colleagues as they navigate school opening under very trying circumstances. Amazing. Stay well everyone.

Dr. Sterling @CAPedCrusaderMD
Every day I hear from patients how anxious they are to return to school during #COVID19. The battle against this pandemic and protecting our future is fought on many fronts. Teachers are #frontline workers and deserve to be recognized for the heroes they are.

Jennifer Garrison @DrJenGar
What gets me about COVID cases in AB schools is not that it’s evidence of spread in schools (that will take a week or so to see.) It’s families having to take 14 days off any time one kid in a too-large class is sick. This cripples families, even if we don’t get sick.

Melissa @BeeTweetn
My kids’ school is using federal funding to reduce some of their giant class sizes (like 37 Grade 5s in one class). A huge thanks to our federal government for stepping up while our provincial government continues to fail us.

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