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Annual satisfaction survey underway

January 15, 2019 ATA News Staff

The Alberta Teachers’ Association is encouraging its members to answer the call if they are selected for a telephone survey being conducted by Alberta Education.

The ministry is currently conducting its annual stakeholder satisfaction surveys to gauge perceptions of Alberta’s K-12 education system.

Taking place from mid-January until the end of April, the surveys gather responses from a random sample of parents, the general public, high school students, teachers, principals, superintendents and school board trustees.

In addition to the telephone surveys, the department is piloting online surveys of principals, teachers and the general public. And, for the first time, the survey is also being offered in French for six respondent groups: senior high school students, parents, teachers, principals, school board trustees and superintendents.

There will be more than 6,000 completed surveys, ensuring that results for each of the respondent groups are statistically representative. The survey responses are completely confidential and only aggregate data will be reported. Advanis Inc., an Alberta-based firm, has been contracted to administer the surveys.

The surveys are part of an ongoing review program. Some results are also used in specific business plan performance measures and will be reported in the ministry’s 2018-19 annual report.

A summary of the information from this survey will be posted on Alberta Education’s website. Last year’s survey results are available at

Questions about the survey can be directed to Jim Peck, senior manager in the corporate planning branch, at 780-422-1963 (dial 310-0000 first for toll-free access in Alberta) or ❚

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