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From the mouths of ...

Curt Moll

Reprinted from the ATA News, January 27, volume 43, number 10

I  was working at my home computer, downloading songs from iTunes for a pep rally to be held the following week. I was having fun, as I didn’t want to use the usual Top 40 fare. Instead, I had visions of the theme from the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey pounding away to get the students’ attention at the beginning of the rally. I heard the Star Wars IV and V theme songs being cranked up as the girls’ volleyball team was introduced; Raiders of the Lost Ark loudly proclaiming the arrival of the boys’ volleyball team; and “Soul Bossa Nova” (the Austin Powers theme song) and the Peter Gunn theme song playing while I introduced the first-term honour roll students. The Superman theme was to be the exit song.

At that point, my 14-year-old son appeared and asked me what I was doing. I happily painted him a picture of the sights and sounds that were to be the pep rally. I showed him the rough outline I had inked out and explained the event’s timing. I was even humming the songs so he could hear and visualize it all himself.

My son looked at me blankly, let out his trademark big sigh and replied in his incredulous, but monotone, way: “And you get paid to do this?”

Curt Moll teaches ­physical education at St. Mary’s School in Calgary.

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