ATA News

ARA returns to Edmonton

ARA attendees

Plenty of debate and cramped conditions are just two of the items expected to be part of the delegate experience at the ATA’s 2023 Annual Representative Assembly (ARA).

The equivalent of an AGM, the annual meeting brings together teacher delegates from across the province to debate ATA policy and set the annual budget. The event will take place in Edmonton over the May long weekend.

At this point, there are 14 or 15 resolutions scheduled for debate, which is about double the number that is normally seen.

“I think it will be a busy weekend. There’s a lot to talk about and I’m looking forward to the discussion,” said ATA president Jason Schilling. “ARA is an important step in setting the tone and the direction of the Association because it comes from the members.”

The event alternates between Calgary and Edmonton each year. For many years, the Edmonton version has taken place at the Westin. However, this year the event will shift to the J.W. Marriott, in the Ice District immediately adjacent to Rogers Place.

In addition to the venue change, greetings from an Indigenous Elder will be part of the event for the first time, said ATA associate executive secretary Robert Mazzotta.

Due to an overall increase in the number of teachers, the number of voting delegates has increased to 432, a handful more than the norm of around 427. That combined with the fact that the venue is smaller than anticipated will make for a cozy environment.

“Every chair is accounted for,” Mazzotta said. “This is not a bring-your-plus-one event.”

The location next to Rogers Place could also be a factor if the Edmonton Oilers are still in the playoffs and a home game happens to fall on that same weekend.

“We will have some challenges with space, and delegates are already aware of that,” Mazzotta said. “In terms of the actual running of the event, I’m confident that it will go off quite smoothly.” ❚

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