This is a legacy provincial website of the ATA. Visit our new website here.

South West

Elected by Acclamation



The Alberta Teachers' Association has a long history of advancing the teaching profession. Over the last century we have seen many changes and have made improvements in our working conditions. These improvements were often gained incrementally over the years, with previous generations of teachers fighting for things we now take for granted. We must continue to advocate for our profession, whilst listening to the needs and concerns of our members.

Teachers are better qualified today than at any time in our history. Despite this, we continue to face challenges to our professional autonomy. Teachers are professionals who must be empowered to make the pedagogical decisions that will support students in our classrooms. Teachers should decide on their own professional development needs, as opposed to the top-down in-servicing many receive. Teachers should be involved with curriculum changes and with discussions on assessment. The ATA is the democratic, collective voice that allows Alberta teachers to be heard.

The strength of the ATA comes from its solidarity and also from its diversity. As district representative I will represent teachers who are from many different educational settings. Principals and teachers working in public or faith-based schools, whether rural or urban, all contribute to our Association. I am passionate about education and ensuring representation for all our members. I am a proud Alberta teacher and I will be your voice.

I have been honoured to serve Palliser ATA Local No. 19 as local president for the last eight years, previously serving as local treasurer. I am a high school mathematics teacher currently teaching at Noble Central School as well as in a blended online environment. My husband Bryan is also a teacher, and my two children are both graduates of our public education system.