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South East

Elected by Acclamation



I am proud to be a candidate for district representative for southeast Alberta. I appreciate the value of relationships and the need for teacher support. It is a privilege to represent our dedicated, hardworking teachers. I work with local presidents and their executives and give individual teacher support. I have travelled to almost every school in the South East district and am dedicated to continuing this.

My passion is working as an advocate for education and teachers. I have taught in three of our districts and was local president and vice-president in Medicine Hat Public for over 15 years. I sat for one year on the Alberta Teacher Retirement Fund Board. I was an economic consultant for 10 years. I have served a term as district representative. These experiences have given me a broader provincial perspective on many issues facing our locals.
I strongly believe the government must be held accountable for its action or inaction on issues and see teachers as the experts in education — professionals who enrich the lives of children. We need to help parents and our communities understand the work of teachers.

It is extremely important to have representatives at the provincial table who comprehend issues in a manner that is not reactive, are willing to carefully think issues through, and are willing to take action leading to positive results for teachers. I am this strong advocate, assertive when necessary, listening attentively and always doing my best to meet teachers’ needs. I am proud to be a teacher in southeast Alberta. I believe it is the job of the district representative to support the locals and represent them at Provincial Executive Council. I look forward to being your choice for district representative for the South East district.