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Alberta teacher granted CTF award

May 31, 2016 Cory Hare, ATA News Managing Editor

Alberta teacher Lloyd Bloomfield is this year’s recipient of the Outstanding Aboriginal Educator Award, sponsored by the Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF).

CTF vice-president and ATA president Mark Ramsankar announced Bloomfield as the winner at the Association’s Annual Representative Assembly on Sunday, May 22.

Ramsankar described Bloomfield as a long-time volunteer who has represented aboriginal views on a number of provincial committees, including the Teacher Development and Practice Advisory Committee. Bloomfield’s insights were also integral to the Association’s pushback on the 2014 recommendations from the Task Force for Teaching Excellence.

“Lloyd never does anything halfway nor does he drag himself through it,” Ramsankar said. “His drive to deliver what teachers need is amazing. He is truly a mentor to those around him.”

Currently the assistant principal of Amiskwaciy Academy in Edmonton, Bloomfield delivered an acceptance speech comprising of just four sentences.

“I am a proud aboriginal teacher. I am a proud teacher. I am extremely proud to be part of your organization. Thank you.” ❚


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