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Your Views

April 19, 2016


Cherra-Lynne Olthof

I’m glad a government finally sees education as an investment and not just a budget line. The quality of education cannot be sacrificed because of oil prices. Neither can health care.

Re: the Malatest teacher workload study

Erin Good

I think that most of us are teachers because we love our jobs. We get paid fairly, have substantial vacation time and work hard. The job itself is innately rewarding. We knew this when choosing our career paths. I think the problem is that no one likes to have to defend themselves or the passion and effort they have for their work. It is important work.

Scott Randall

I appreciate that the results are now verified and public. I honestly don’t mind the extra hours, which are actually closer to 55 before extra-curricular, because I’m doing it to help kids. I dislike the bashing that we get but understand it’s part of it. It’s similar to the fickle Oilers fans throwing jerseys on the ice. Nevertheless, it’s important for the public to know if the perception is ever to meet the reality.

Frank J. Nobert

Those who do not teach for a living often do not understand what it’s really like. Yes, teachers love their jobs and they love kids, but they also work very long hours to make sure those kids get a decent education.

Pat Tinordi

Lots of people work 2016 hrs per year and some of us more. We all also spend time every day doing tasks not related to our “main job” such as email, etc. Working during the summer is expected for all of us and should not be considered “extra” for teachers as they are not paid less because of all the school holidays. We all have stress associated with our jobs. Teachers are valuable just as health-care workers, the janitor who cleans the school, child-care workers, etc. Teachers work hard just as countless other people in all kinds of occupations and I have great respect for great teachers who educate our children along with every person who takes pride in their job and does it well. Just saying.

Carol S. Marcellus

I retired because I was working 60 to 70 hours a week trying to do it all for a huge variety of needs in my classroom. I was tired and having health issues from just too much stress and too many hours planning, preparing, differentiating, assessing students, marking ... an endless list of tasks.

Pamela Sware Parker

I’m a teacher. I’ve had tremendous parental support over the years. That’s one of the reasons I have continued to teach despite the bashing that my profession has received, from SOME of the general public, for the 20-plus years I’ve been at it. Kudos to all of us who keep doing it for the right reasons! ❚

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