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From the heart


February 1, 2022

With Valentine’s Day on the horizon, we asked members of the ATA’s Provincial Executive Council to share messages of support for the teachers they represent.


Happy Valentine’s Day to my colleagues who show great heart for their students and schools every single day. You are appreciated and I thank you for the work you are doing day in and day out.

Jason Schilling, President


To the teachers of Alberta,

As much as you love what you do, please know that millions of Albertans love what you are accomplishing, especially during these trying times. My wish for you is that you all get to hear from many of them this Valentine’s Day.

Greg Jeffery, Past president


We love what we do.
Sometimes you have to fight for what you love.

Greg Carabine, Vice-president


You inspire me every day, but you’ve all gone above and beyond during this pandemic. Please take care of yourselves and know how much you’re appreciated. For some students, you are the only constant in an ever-changing and unpredictable world. With much gratitude and appreciation, thank you.

Nancy Ball, District representative, Edmonton McMurray


C.S. Lewis stated, “You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” As I reflect on the statement, I sincerely hope that, after two struggling years, teachers will still have the strength and be able to change the ending. Please take care.

Brenton Baum, District representative, Central


To all the teachers of Central South, thank you for all the support you have shown me and to each other through these challenging times. I see daily that despite everything, teachers have not lost sight of the needs of students, families and the profession we love. Take care.

Don Brookwell, District representative, Central South

I would like to thank all of the executives, committee members, volunteers and teachers in the Edmonton District for your hard work, dedication and commitment to publicly funded education in the province of Alberta. I am blessed to work with you. Happy Valentine’s Day. Hug your family and call your close friends to say hi.

Paul Froese, District representative, Edmonton District

A teacher takes a hand, opens a mind and touches a heart. Know that you are loved! 

Stay awesome! Happy Valentine's Day.

Carmen Glossop, District representative, Edmonton McMurray


I would like to wish the hard-working teachers of Calgary City a happy Valentine's Day. Two years of a pandemic have proven the very heart and soul of the teachers in Calgary Catholic and Calgary public schools. Teachers, you deserve to be recognized and celebrated.

Kathy Hoehn, District representative, Calgary City


Thank you for your kindness, patience, dedication, joy and unceasing love for your students, colleagues, and profession. I wish you a happy Valentine’s Day and that the joy and love you feel continues to fill your heart and soul throughout the year.

Murray Lalonde, District representative, Central East


Happy Valentine’s Day to the teachers of the northwest and to every teacher in Alberta! Take time for yourself and for your loved ones! You deserve it and so do they!

Peter MacKay, District representative, North West


Teachers, I am grateful for each of you, the work you do for students and the willingness you have to dedicate yourself to our profession. I am blessed to work with each of you! Happy Valentine’s Day!

Heather McCaig, District representative, South East


Teachers and substitutes continue to work incredibly long hours to keep our students safe! A huge thank you to you all for everything you do to go above and beyond for others in our schools. Stay safe and be well!

Darren Moroz, District representative, Calgary City


Teachers are the heartbeat of public education. Our efforts pulse through the system, keeping it functioning, even when faced with difficulties and darkness. As we struggle through the adversities currently facing us, we hold fast to the knowledge that we are stronger when we work together, supporting one another with kindness and compassion.

Karen Nakaska, District representative, Calgary District


Many things warm my heart around Valentine's Day. The excitement of a new semester, upcoming teachers' conventions, and of course it is only one month until Pi Day! Thank you for the amazing work you do for public education. Happy Valentine's Day.

Katherine Pritchard, District representative, South West

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