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Your Views

August 31, 2021

On Twitter

On the speech by Hayley Wickenheiser (@wick_22) to Summer Conference (#ATASumCon)

Genevieve Payeur @Payeurteach

Listening to @wick_22 with my sports kids and we all got this takeaway – do your role well (become the expert in your position) and your whole team will benefit.

Carmen Glossop @carmenglossop

What an amazing way to end #ATASumCon. Listening to Hayley Wickenheiser speak is always so inspiring. Thank you @wick_22 for all that you do, how you give back and for your supporting words. Grow your Joy Bubble!

Suzanne Aessie @SuzanneAessie

What an absolute privilege to hear @wick_22 during the #ATASumCon. She is so inspiring and encouraging and I love her personal journey! Fantastic words of wisdom at the end of a fantastic conference.

Danielle Girard @MrsDGirard

“Pressure is a privilege.” Thank you @wick_22 at #ATASumCon! You are a Canadian icon and true role model!

Allison McCaffrey @allimc456

What a great way to end two amazing days of learning. Thanks @wick_22 for being such an advocate for teachers.

Janel Winslow Sherwin @Jane_WinsSher

There is something deeply emotional about having someone you’ve respected and admired for years (a personal hero) recognizing and honouring the work you do, recognizing your work and what you’ve gone through the past year and a half. 

Melanie Golding @golding_melanie

Listening to @wick_22 speak and advocate for teachers and students during COVID makes my teacher heart full and happy.


Letters to the Editor

Thanks for all you do

Re: ATA News article “It’s not bullying; it’s courage” (June 15, 2021)

I just read Lindsay’s article mentioned above. Please pass on to Lindsay what a fantastic article that was and thanks for sharing it. People have no idea what teachers do and how much they care. I retired last year, and when I see the passion and energy and caring of the teachers of today, I am in awe.

Please thank them for sharing. (It’s not like they didn’t have something else they could be doing.)


Lynne Erickson

Letters to the editor: We welcome letters to the editor. Please limit your submission to 300 words. Only letters bearing a first and last name, address and daytime telephone number will be considered for publication. Teachers are also asked to indicate where and what they teach. All letters are subject to editing for length, clarity, punctuation, spelling and grammar.

Email managing editor Cory Hare:

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