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It’s an election year!

January 13, 2021 ATA News Staff

No, not that election. It’s almost time for PEC elections, and because the campaigns and voting will be done almost entirely online, there are some important things for you to keep in mind.

We’re going online

No in-person events? No problem. This year’s PEC activities, including candidate forums and voting, will all be done online.

This means you need an online ATA account to participate, so make sure you can access the Members’ Only section of the ATA website. If you can’t, you can request an account. In addition to being able to participate in the elections, your account also ensures you

  • get important updates on bargaining,
  • can vote on provincial collective agreements and
  • have access to the ATA library.

Nomination deadline – January 21

Nomination day is Jan. 21, 2021, and is the single day on which all candidates must submit their completed nomination forms to the Association.

If you are interested in representing your colleagues and your profession, go to the ATA website, read the Candidate Handbook and find out more about what it takes to be a candidate in the 2021 PEC election.

Anyone interested in running in the election must now register, which allows the Association to directly communicate updates and instructions to candidates throughout the election cycle. You can register through the 2021 PEC Elections section of the ATA website.

What is PEC?

PEC is the 20-member executive committee that directs the business of the Association. It comprises the ATA president, two vice-presidents, the past president, 15 district representatives and the executive secretary. With the exception of the past president and executive secretary, all positions are elected once every two years by the ATA membership.

PEC members

  • are teachers;
  • meet as a council two days at a time at least eight times each year;
  • serve on internal and external committees and Association subgroups, like specialist councils;
  • engage in professional development as part of their duties;
  • make decisions affecting the budgets, policies and strategic direction of the ATA; and
  • are accountable to the ATA membership. That’s you! ❚


2021 PEC election schedule 

Here are some important dates for you to keep in mind.

Sept. 15, 2020 - Nominations open
Jan. 21, 2021 - Nomination day
Jan. 23, 2021 - Candidate meeting
Feb. 16, 2021 - Candidate and election promotional materials to schools*
March 8–11, 2021 - Voting open
March 12, 2021- Election results announced

* Sent to the attention of ATA school representatives.

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