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Welcome to Summer Conference

September 3, 2019


Alberta Teachers’ Association president Jason Schilling urges teachers to use their collective voices to protect public education in his opening address to delegates attending the 71st annual ATA Summer Conference. More than 400 teachers from across the province gave up a week of summer break to attend the event, held at the Banff Centre for the Arts from Aug. 12 to 16.

The annual professional development event provides training to members who are actively involved, or interested in becoming involved, in the work of the Association. The training includes sessions for local presidents, local communications officers, teacher welfare committee members, professional development facilitators and specialist councils.

Together we are stronger. We have the power to make a difference in public education. 

I’m going to charge up this hill, and when I turn around, every single one of you needs to be there with me.  

As I say to my students, we don’t learn in our comfort level, we learn outside of it. You must stand up to power, even if your voice is shaky. You must stand up to power, especially if your voice is shaky.  



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