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November 7, 2017

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On CTF’s World Teachers' Day theme re: classroom violence against teachers

Dawn Walmsley Ronne
It's a sad reality that many teachers must spend more time managing behaviour than actually teaching. I am beyond fortunate to have the support staff and teachers I have in my building, but they need more support in all areas and from the community at large.

On Project Overseas

Selina M Kruchten
What a fabulous program. I participated 16 years ago, and the impact is still with me today. Thanks to everyone who makes this collaboration possible in Alberta and beyond.

On Twitter

Shannon Dube @ShannonDube6
My very first @albertateachers local presidents meeting was a great learning experience filled with great lessons & great people. Thank you

Troy Davies @troydavies72
Congrats 2 all @STARCatholic new teachers at @ATAlocal45 @albertateachers induction ceremony tonight! Thx for becoming a #Catholic educator!

St Albert Local 73 @stalbertlocal73
Congratulations to all of the @StAlbertPublic teachers being inducted into the ATA this evening!

Letters to the Editor

Humour should be supported by evidence

I feel a bit like Grandpa Simpson, complaining about a cartoon, but the premise of the cartoon in the Oct. 24 issue of the ATA News — that eating sugar (candy) makes children "hyper" — is perhaps the most common misconception today. It is also completely false. There is overwhelming evidence that this is nonsense, and having taught chemistry for my whole career, I’d like the ATA News to more consciously support an evidence-based approach to life (even humour).

Dick Tompkins, retired

Letters to the editor: We welcome letters to the editor. Please limit your submission to 300 words. Only letters bearing a first and last name, address, and daytime telephone number will be considered for publication. Teachers are also asked to indicate where and what they teach. All letters are subject to editing for length, clarity, punctuation, spelling and grammar.

E-mail managing editor Cory Hare:

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