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Orange Shirt Day

October 10, 2017

St.Jean Brebeuf School, Calgary

In remembrance of the
experiences of former
residential school students,
educators and students all
over Alberta celebrated
Orange Shirt Day on
Friday, Sept. 29.

 In its second year, the campaign by the Society for Safe and Caring Schools and Communities had more than 500 orders for a total of 10,000 shirts, shipping to schools, organizations and individuals throughout Alberta and Canada as well as to Hawaii and Pennsylvania. Residential school survivor Phyllis Webstad of Williams Lake, B.C., began the campaign. When she was six, Webstad had her special orange shirt taken away on her first day at residential school.       
Edmonton Public Local No. 37
Following the Orange Shirt Day ceremonies at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Academy in Slave Lake, students and staff members made kites and flew them to represent hope, prayer, freedom, journey and each individual’s commitment to reconciliation.
Peter the Apostle Catholic High School, Spruce Grove


At a ceremony held in conjunction with Orange Shirt Day, a new memorial was unveiled for  students who died while attending the Red Deer Industrial School. Pictured are (L-R) Muriel Stanley-Venne, vice-president of the Remembering the Children Society, and Crystal Clark, a consultant in the ATA’s Walking Together program.

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