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Teacher Wares

June 1, 2015


Check out the latest publications from the Alberta Teachers’ Association.

  • The State of Inclusion in Alberta Schools
    This report outlines the research project undertaken by the Blue Ribbon Panel on Inclusive Education in Alberta Schools. Analysis of the data collected from surveys, focus groups and interviews feeds into the four key findings that the report highlights, and informs a productive overview of the panel’s recommendations for the successful implementation of inclusive education.
    (COOR-101-5 2015 04, 44 pp)
  • Teaching and Learning Conditions in Alberta:
    A Global Perspective
    This report offers an analysis of the results of the 2013 Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) in relation to six studies focused on Alberta teachers undertaken within the past three years. Examining and comparing the TALIS and Alberta studies, this report identifies key areas of concern and opportunity related to Alberta’s teaching and learning conditions.
    (COOR-101-2 2015 02, 32 pp)
  • Inclusion in Alberta: Getting it Right
    This companion document contains excerpts from the Report of the Blue Ribbon Panel on Inclusive Education in Alberta Schools.
    (PD-170-1a 2015 01, 29 pp)
    Copies of this document are available by e-mailing
  • Digital Reporting and Digital Assessment Tools: Evaluating their Value and their Impact
    This study examines how the use of digital reporting and assessment tools is affecting student learning, the workload of teachers and principals and overall assessment practices. Technology comes with great potential. However, as this study reveals, the implementation of digital reporting and assessment tools must be navigated thoughtfully.
    (COOR-101-1 2014 12, 64 pp)
  • Exploring the Development of Teacher Efficacy Through Professional Learning Experiences
    Teacher efficacy is the confidence teachers have about their ability to influence how well their students learn. This report examines the relationship between the various kinds of professional development teachers engage in and the resulting effectiveness of their teaching practice. Using focus groups, questionnaires and current research on the subject, the authors provide insight into how teachers’ individual and collective learning can improve student learning.
    (PD-86-29, 2014 10, 74 pp)

To order your copy of the ATA’s newest publications, e-mail


As a benefit of ATA membership, active members are entitled to join one specialist council of their choice each year at no cost. Specialist councils are an integral part of the Association’s activities. Granting members automatic membership in a specialist council is an innovative step toward increasing professional development opportunities for teachers throughout Alberta and a way of promoting the professional expertise of teachers in curriculum and specialty areas.

Regular membership is restricted to active members of the ATA and to associate members who are ineligible for active membership as specified in ATA bylaws. Regular members are entitled to all the benefits and services of council membership, including the right to vote and hold office. Each council is operated by volunteer teacher members who contribute their time, talents and enthusiasm to plan and implement programs and activities for the councils. Specialist councils organize annual conferences, produce publications, maintain websites and offer regional workshops and seminars.

For more information, visit the ATA website ( and click on For Members and then on Professional Development.


Organizers of the annual conference of the English as a Second Language Council are inviting prospective keynotes, session speakers and presenters to submit a proposal for My Language ... My Endless Horizon, the 2015 conference scheduled for Oct. 29 to 31 at the Delta Lodge Kananaskis.

More information and an online submission form are available on the council’s website at

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