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The Alberta Teachers’ Association offers presentations to teachers on a variety of education-related topics. For example, Government program area staff officer Shelley Magnusson is available to present The Effects of Domestic Violence on Children.
For children, families are a source of learning and love. All too often, however, intimate partner violence can disrupt this family refuge that children and teens rely on for stability, support and nurturing. Children’s exposure to domestic violence is much more common than is generally believed. The potential consequences of abuse or exposure to violence as a child are also becoming increasingly evident. Children exposed to domestic violence are more likely to suffer from biological, social, emotional or cognitive development problems than those who are not. In this 60- to 90- minute session, teachers will learn to recognize the signs of vicarious trauma and receive information on supports available.
To book this presentation, contact Shelley Magnusson at or
call 1-800-232-7208. ❚

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