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2017/18 Proposed Budget

April 25, 2017

The budget proposed by Provincial Executive Council (PEC) is just a step away from becoming the approved budget for the 2017/18 fiscal year. The final (and very important) step in this process is membership approval. On the Victoria Day long weekend, local delegates to the 100th Annual Representative Assembly (ARA) will gather in Edmonton to consider, among other matters, the approval of the proposed budget. The budget is not just a financial document; it also sets the strategic direction for Association activities and programs for the upcoming year. PEC makes critical choices based on financial realities and member feedback before presenting the proposed budget at ARA, where delegates will focus on much more than dollars and cents. They will also examine the merit of the proposed programs and consider their value to members, to education and to the Association.

Between an expected increase in the number of members and a minimum amount of new program spending, Council is recommending no increase to the annual Association fee of $1,242 for the 2017/18 fiscal year. In the following pages are highlights of new programs and completed or discontinued programs that make up the proposed budget.

Proposed new initiatives for 2017/18

Teacher Welfare staffing increase

In order to provide resources to assist in the gathering of provincewide information on teacher compensation and conditions of practice, which will be necessary under the new bargaining model, an additional intermediate staff member in the Teacher Welfare department would be added.

Education Act implementation

As a result of the changes to the School Act and the Education Act, a revision of materials to be used in workshops and presentations will be necessary.

Evaluation of Staff Relations Services pilot program

An analysis of this pilot program, which is currently in its first year, will be conducted through the use of surveys, interviews and data analysis.

Committee on Convention Review

The mandate for this proposed committee would be to review and make recommendations on the current structure, governance, operation, financing and programming of teachers’ conventions.

Professional issues inquiry grant

The budget will provide funds to develop a matching grant program for locals that will give teachers the opportunity to develop a community of practice using an inquiry model on an issue of relevance to them.

Strategic Leadership Seminar

This proposed seminar would take place at Summer Conference and is intended to build the strategic planning capacity of Association subgroups. The course would be for people who have demonstrated a commitment to leadership in the Association.

Online education research

The budget would provide funds to undertake a study to examine teachers’ responses to the challenges and opportunities posed by complex student populations, with the objective of identifying exemplary instructional practices in this area through the use of text publications and multimedia.

Poverty awareness

The budget proposes to provide support to Public Interest Alberta to undertake a poverty awareness campaign.

The expected total cost of these new programs is $202,500.

Completed/discontinued initiatives

Cross-professional study of scope of practice

The 2016/17 budget provided funds to evaluate the findings of this research, which was started in 2015/16, and to initiate further study and actions as appropriate. Mobilization of the study continues in collaboration with other professional groups.

The 2016/17 budget allocated $5,000 for this program.

Proposed annual fee for 2017/18

For 2017/18, Provincial Executive Council will propose to maintain the Association member fee at $1,242 per member.



2016/17 approved fee

2017/18 proposed fee

Funding for programs for which the local rebate does not apply



Funding for programs for which the local rebate applies



Local rebate



Total Fee




Budget by program area

There are two parts to the Association’s budget. The first part includes programs that are funded by a fee that is subject to a local rebate; in other words, for each dollar of the membership fee that is applied to this part of the budget, 20 per cent is rebated to local associations to fund their operations. The second part includes programs that are funded by a fee that is not subject to the local rebate.

Part 1: Budget subject to local rebate

The table below compares program area expenditures for the 2016/17 approved budget and the 2017/18 proposed budget. It also provides a general description of the mandate of each program area.


Program area


approved budget

2017/18 proposed budget

Teacher Welfare

  • To improve the economic well-being of teachers through work in collective bargaining, pension and insurance
  • To effect increases in the funding for education



Member Services

  • To provide services to individual members on matters requiring discipline, legal assistance and professional relations
  • To provide general service to and consultation with locals, sublocals and staff as requested
  • To enhance awareness of the Association’s services




  • To provide for the improvement of teaching practice through specialist councils, conventions, curriculum work, current issues, local leadership development, assistance to local PD committees, field service and representation to other subgroups
  • To prepare a corps of instructors and facilitators; to improve the preservice education of teachers and liaise with other agencies in these fields and extended field experiences




  • To govern the Association and provide for its obligations beyond Alberta’s borders
  • To liaise with other organizations within Alberta
  • To maintain communications internally with the membership and externally with the public
  • To improve conditions for education through political involvement of members




  • To provide and maintain physical facilities for Association offices in Edmonton and Calgary




  • To provide for the financial and business operation of the Association, including business management, finance, general office work, human resources and document production
  • To provide services to other program areas and subgroups



Nondepartmental Commitments

  • To provide for items which are not directly a part of any other department and for items affecting all or most other departments but that cannot be reasonably provided for within the department



Food Services

  • To provide a catering service for participants at various meetings and other functions held in Barnett House
  • To operate a cafeteria service for staff, tenants and the public



Information and Technology

  • To maintain and safeguard the Association’s information technology systems and equipment and to develop and maintain electronic capabilities and processes required by other program areas




Part 2: Budget not subject to local rebate

Member fees required to fund part two are not subject to the local rebate and 100 per cent of these fees are available to fund provincial Association programs. The table below compares expenditures and allocations for the 2016/17 approved budget and the 2017/18 proposed budget and provides a brief description of the nature of the expenditures.


and allocation





Canadian Teachers’ Federation

Provides support for the Federation based on a per capita fee



Capital fund

Provides an annual allocation to the fund, which is used to purchase any capital assets



Special emergency fund

Provides an annual allocation to the fund, which is used to fund emergent actions as approved by Provincial Executive Council



Technology services project development

Provides annual funding for projects related to membership application services, online services, unified communications, strategic technology management and reporting, workflow and form services



Specialist council membership grants

Provides the annual operating grants to the Association’s 21 specialist councils



action plan

Provides funding for the Real Learning First program, a multifaceted plan that focuses on accountability in education as it relates to the teacher’s role in student assessment, evaluation and reporting




Provides principal and interest payments on the mortgage obtained for the Seymour Tower renovations



Media campaign

Provides funding for a media campaign to highlight the contributions made by teachers and the Association in order to increase the interest of the general public about the importance of education and the teaching profession



100th anniversary celebration

Provides funds for the celebration and promotion of the Association’s 100th anniversary



The Association is proposing to take over control of this program, which is in jeopardy of folding.




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