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Notices and Events

January 12, 2016
Edmonton-area author brunch

Award-winning playwright David Belke will speak at an author brunch hosted by DKG, an international women’s educational society.

Belke is a Sterling Award winner and playwright-in-residence at Shadow Theatre, where one of his comedies is produced yearly. He’s also had more than 20 plays produced at the annual Fringe festival.

When: Saturday, Feb. 6, 10 am to 12 pm

Where: Robertson-Wesley United Church Memorial Hall
10209 123 St., Edmonton

Contact: Janet M. Clark at or Jill Lambie at

Stories and photos wanted

The ATA News is always on the lookout for interesting articles, photos and cartoons. Articles should not exceed 500 words and should be accompanied by a short byline, stating where you work and what you teach. Photos of teachers or students participating in interesting activities are welcome, as are cartoons. Don’t forget to include photo captions. Please note: Receipt of material does not guarantee its publication. Send your submissions to Managing Editor, the ATA News, 11010–142 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5N 2R1 or submit electronically to

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