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Your Views

October 20, 2015

Teachers on the Twittersphere

Tweets from World Teachers’ Day, Oct. 5

ATA Local 48 @ATALocal48: The world is brighter when we include everyone. Teachers are all about inclusion.

UNICEF @UNICEF: A good teacher is a hero that can change a child’s life.

OzChild @OzChildTweets: “A teacher affects eternity; they will never know where their influence stops.” - Henry Adams

David eggen  @davideggenAB: Happy #WorldTeachersDay! Thanks to all AB teachers for sharing your dedication & excellence each day!

AUPE  @_AUPE_: Teachers are an important part of the education team. Solidarity!

Darrel Robertson @EPSB_Super: Happy #worldteachersday. Thanks to #EPSB teachers, who give their all for kids every day.

ADLC @ADLC_Home: Happy #worldteachersday to the #ADLC #teachers who work hard to connect with their students *every* day.

Battle River SD 31 @battleriver31: It's World Teachers Day! #BRSD says "thanks" to teachers for all the hard work and dedication to students.

Letters to the editor

We’re open to letters

If you’re reading this, then you’re an engaged member of your profession. That means you likely have an opinion. You probably share that opinion verbally with others who are within earshot. Maybe they talk back to you; maybe they run away.

Either way, why not take that a step further by writing that opinion down and sharing it with the ATA News in the form of a letter to the editor? We welcome such feedback, whether it be opinions about stories we’ve published, views about issues of the day in education (or issues that are being overlooked), anecdotes relating a personal experience … it’s really wide open.

Please find our submission guidelines at the bottom of this page, and next time an opinion pops into your head, please pop it into an email. We look forward to hearing from you.

Cory Hare

ATA News managing editor

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