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May 31, 2016

Tweets from the 2016 Annual Representative Assembly, #ara2016

david eggen @davideggenAB: It was my pleasure to address delegates this morning at #ara2016.

Arlene Hrynyk @arlenehrynyk: Special thanks to @albertateachers & @MarkATAPres for the invite to #ara2016. Alberta’s children are in superior hands!

david eggen @davideggenAB: Great to see @ATALocal48 at #ara2016. Thank you for your incredible dedication.

ATA Local 48 @ATALocal48: S Dahl speaking about the impacts of the fire on his family. We need mental health supports when we go back.

Greg Clark @GregClark4AB: Amazing speech by #ymm teacher Nancy Ball, who thanked everyone who helped kids impacted by #ymmfire.

Heather Dawn McCaig @Heavendawn: Sharon Armstrong, honorary lifetime membership in the Association. She is a very inspirational woman.

jason schilling @schill_dawg: Congratulations to @SOSAlberta, public education award winners, and thank you for your tireless advocacy for education.

Support Our Students @SOSAlberta: Thank you @albertateachers for recognizing all those who support strong and equitable education.

Markiana Hryschuk @MissMarkiana: Congrats, Lloyd Bloomfield, CTF Outstanding Aboriginal Educator Award honouree!

Phil McRae @philmcrae: Palliser opted out of SLAs: Not one teacher/parent has come forward in Palliser complaining about not having enough Gr 3 data.

Jonathan Hemphill @MrJHemphill: @davideggenAB The @albertateachers also want to find a solution to assessment. Let’s start by putting a hold on the ineffective SLAs.

Pasi Sahlberg @pasi_sahlberg (retweeting @PhilMcRae): BREAKING NEWS: Alberta teachers urge OECD PISA 2018 be abandoned.

Tweets from Growing Up Digital public lecture and colloquium, #etcata

Danny Maas @dannymaas: It’s never been more important to teach students digital literacy skills to manage tech in their lives.

Margaret Kobewka @MaggieKobewka: Knowing how our brain functions in a tech-rich world helps us manage distractions.

Karen Plant @MrsKPlant: Multi-tasking is a mindset and not an ability, the biggest distractions are communication-based bc we are human.

Letters to the editor: We welcome letters to the editor. Please limit your submission to 300 words. Only letters bearing a first and last name, address and daytime telephone number will be considered for publication. Teachers are also asked to indicate where and what they teach. All letters are subject to editing for length, clarity, punctuation, spelling and grammar.

Email managing editor Cory Hare:

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