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Resolutions approved at 2015 ARA

May 26, 2015

Expiring Current Directive Resolutions

1-1/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 1.B.1 be amended and transferred to long-range policy—
“The Department of Education should make public all diploma examinations following their administration.”

1.B.1 [BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge t] The Department of Education [to] should make public all diploma examinations [after] following their administration.

1-2/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council
Calgary Public

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 1.B.4 be amended to read—
“BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge school boards to eliminate any board policy that requires teachers to report to parents results of an externally imposed assessment of student learning.”

1.B.4 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge school boards to eliminate any [requirements or directives to facilitate or] board policy that requires teachers to report to parents [any Grade Level of Achievement that is not determined by the teacher’s own methods of] results of an externally imposed assessment of student learning.

1-3/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 1.B.5 be reaffirmed.

1.B.5 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to ensure its curriculum development process includes collaboration, consultation and communication with the teaching profession in order to meet the needs of all of Alberta’s students.

1-4/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 1.B.6 be reaffirmed.

1.B.6 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education to encourage media to adhere to the “Joint Position Statement by the Canadian Psychological Association and the Canadian Association of School Psychologists on the Canadian Press Coverage of the Province-Wide Achievement Test Results” in reporting and interpreting diploma examination results/school-awarded marks and achievement test results.

1-5/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 1.B.7 be reaffirmed

1.B.7 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to increase annually the monetary value of Rutherford Scholarships to reflect both increases in student tuition fees and cost of living as per the Alberta Consumer Price Index.

1-6/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that current directive 1.B.13 be [reaffirmed] amended to read
“BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education to [change] increase the school-awarded percentage of the diploma examination course results [from 50 per cent] to 80 per cent of the student’s final mark.’’

1.B.13 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education to change the school-awarded percentage of the diploma examination course results from 50 per cent to 80 per cent of the student’s final mark.

1-7/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 1.B.16 be transferred to policy achieved.

1.B.16 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education to discontinue the Achievement Testing Program at the Grade 3 level consistent with Motion 503 (2009) agreed to in the legislative assembly on 2009 03 16.

1-8/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 1.B.17 be reaffirmed.

1.B.17 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education to discontinue the Achievement Testing Program in its current form at the Grade 6 level.

1-9/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 1.B.18 be reaffirmed.

1.B.18 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education to discontinue the Achievement Testing Program in its current form at the Grade 9 level.

1-10/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 1.B.19 be reaffirmed.

1.B.19 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education to ensure that student evaluation regulations are applied to, and enforced equally for all students engaged in K–12 educational programming that receives public funding, including those who are home-schooled, or enrolled in charter and private schools.

1-11/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 1.B.22 be amended to read—
“BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education and school jurisdictions to fund professional development for all teachers on the teaching of English as an Additional Language.”

1.B.22 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education and school jurisdictions to fund professional development for all teachers on the teaching of English as an Additional Language [students].

1-12/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 1.B.23 be amended and transferred to long-range policy—
“The Department of Education should ensure that the requirements for obtaining credits in summer school courses are the same as the requirements for obtaining credits in regular programs of study.”

1.B.23 [BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge t] The Department of Education [to] should ensure that the requirements for obtaining credits in summer school courses are the same as the requirements for obtaining credits in regular programs of study.

1-13/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 1.B.25 be reaffirmed.

1.B.25 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education to include labour history and the contributions of labour to society, to workplace rights and to democracy in provincial programs of study.

1-14/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council
Calgary Public

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 1.B.27 be reaffirmed.

1.B.27 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education to implement a policy whereby provincial achievement tests are administered to a population sample of Grade 9 students in each subject area and that no student is required to write provincial achievement tests in more than one subject area in a given year.

1-15/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 1.B.29 be reaffirmed.

1.B.29 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education to engage in systematic and structured consultation with the Association prior to announcing changes in provincial examination format, timing and scheduling.

1-16/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 1.B.30 be reaffirmed.

1.B.30 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge Alberta school boards to select, in fulfilling any responsibility under Section 18(2) of the School Act, only those teachers who willingly volunteer to
1. participate in curriculum development and field testing of new curriculum and teaching/learning resources;
2. develop, field test and mark provincial achievement tests and diploma examinations; and
3. supervise student teachers.

1-17/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 1.B.31 be reaffirmed.

1.B.31 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association
1. affirm the importance of the written component of diploma examinations and of the need for qualified teachers as markers and
2. actively oppose any attempt to diminish or eliminate the written component of diploma examinations.

1-18/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council
Calgary Public

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 1.B.32 be amended to read—
“BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education to ensure that any provincial assessment reference only curriculum content and outcomes for which a program of studies and required learning resources have been in place for a minimum of one school year prior to the administration of the assessment.”

1.B.32 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education to ensure that any provincial assessment[s] reference [include] only curriculum content and outcomes for which a program of studies and required [materials were available for the entire school year prior to the commencement of the] learning resources have been in place for a minimum of one school year [in which the tests are to be taken] prior to the administration of the assessment.

1-19/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 1.B.35 be reaffirmed.

1.B.35 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education to maintain and fully fund the Class Size Initiative and to monitor and report publicly on its progress toward achieving the class size targets set out by Alberta’s Commission on Learning for all divisions.

1-20/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 1.B.39 be reaffirmed.

1.B.39 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education to provide honoraria for teachers providing professional service to the department on instructional days.

1-21/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 1.B.41 be amended and transferred to long-range policy—
“The Department of Education should restrict enrolment in Knowledge and Employability Courses to a maximum of 12 students per class and to provide the necessary additional funds to accomplish this objective.”

1.B.41 [BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge t] The Department of Education [to] should restrict [the] enrolment in [the] Knowledge and Employability Courses to a maximum of 12 students per class and to provide the necessary additional funds to accomplish this objective.

1-22/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 1.B.46 be amended to read—
“BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education to ensure that every school in Alberta has a library with teacher–librarian(s) and clerical/technical support.”

1.B.46 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education to ensure that every school in Alberta [meet acceptable standards in staffing school] has a librar[ies]y with teacher–librarian(s) and clerical/technical support.

1-23/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 1.B.49 be reaffirmed.

1.B.49 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education to develop student learning outcomes and resource materials within the Health and Career and Life Management curriculum to educate students to prevent sexual exploitation.

1-24/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 1.B.50 be deleted.

1.B.50 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge Alberta postsecondary institutions to revise admission policies to accept Alberta students on the basis of their final school-awarded mark or their final blended mark, whichever is in the best interest of the student.

1-25/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 1.B.51 be amended to read—
“BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education to provide reader or audio accommodations for English and French language learner students writing diploma examinations.”

1.B.51 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education to provide reader or audio [CD] accommodations for English and French language learner students writing diploma examinations.

1-26/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 1.B.52 be amended to read—
“BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to expedite the elimination of Grade 6 Provincial Achievement Tests in their current form and the implementation of “regular but sensitive measurements of academic performance and expected outcomes” designed to inform curriculum improvement.”

1.B.52 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to expedite the elimination of [Grade 3 and] Grade 6 Provincial Achievement Tests in their current form and the implementation of “regular but sensitive measurements of academic performance and expected outcomes” designed to inform curriculum improvement.

1-27/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 1.B.53 be reaffirmed.

1.B.53 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge school boards who have developed local documents and tools, similar to individual program plans, Success in School plans or Inclusive Education Planning Tools, to reduce instructional time in order to provide teachers sufficient time to effectively develop, implement and monitor such documents and tools.

1-28/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 2.B.5 be amended to read—
“BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge [Alberta postsecondary] institutions with [preservice] accredited Alberta teacher education programs to [place a high priority on] increase field experience funding.”

2.B.5 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge institutions with accredited Alberta teacher education programs to [place a high priority on] increase[d] field experience funding.

1-29/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 2.B.6 be amended and transferred to long-range policy—
“Substantive changes in field experience programs should occur only with consultation and approval of teachers, acting through Association representatives.”

2.B.6 [BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association take action to ensure that] Substantive changes in field experience programs should occur only with consultation and approval of teachers, acting through Association representatives.

1-30/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 2.B.7 be amended to read—
“BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to provide sufficient, direct and targeted funding to all preservice teacher education programs at Alberta postsecondary institutions.”

2.B.7 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to provide sufficient, direct and targeted funding to all preservice teacher [preparation] education programs at Alberta [universities] postsecondary institutions.

1-31/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council
Calgary Public
Calgary Separate

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 2.B.8 be amended to read—
“BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge Alberta postsecondary institutions with preservice teacher education programs to recognize vocational preparation related to the attainment of a journeyman’s certificate for university credit in teacher education on a basis similar to the content components for other education majors.”

2.B.8 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge [the faculties of education] Alberta postsecondary institutions with preservice teacher education programs to recognize vocational preparation related to the attainment of a journeyman’s certificate for university credit in teacher education on a basis similar to the content components for other education majors.

1-32/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 2.B.11 be amended to read—
“BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge Alberta postsecondary institutions with preservice teacher education programs to ensure that the preparation for teaching includes a component of teaching English as an Additional Language.”

2.B.11 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge [the faculties of education of] Alberta [universities] postsecondary institutions with preservice teacher education programs to ensure that the preparation for teaching includes a component of teaching English as an Additional Language.

1-33/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 3.B.2 be amended to read—
“BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge school boards to allocate the resources to sustain adequate, equitable and ongoing teacher-directed professional development for all teachers and to require reporting of the use of these resources.”

3.B.2 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge school boards to allocate the resources to sustain adequate, equitable and ongoing teacher-directed professional development for all teachers and to require reporting of the use of these resources.

1-34/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 3.B.3 be reaffirmed.

3.B.3 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association encourage each school to establish a professional development committee that is representative of the teaching staff which will plan school-based professional development activities based on needs identified by the teaching staff.

1-35/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 3.B.6 be deleted.

3.B.6 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to undertake an independent evaluation of the strategies employed by school authorities in consulting with Association locals in identifying project priorities of the Alberta Initiative for School Improvement, with particular focus on the following elements:
1. opportunities for meaningful input at various stages of planning, implementing and evaluating;
2. appropriate timeframes for input;
3. due diligence in considering input in determining final projects; and
4. ongoing communication regarding the input included in project proposals.

1-36/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 5.B.2 be amended to read—
“BE IT RESOLVED, that Association bargaining units be urged to negotiate collective agreement provisions that prevent the unilateral imposition of modified school days and/or school and district calendars.”

5.B.2 BE IT RESOLVED, that Association bargaining units be urged to negotiate collective agreement provisions that prevent the unilateral imposition of modified school days and/or school and district calendars.

1-37/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 5.B.3 be amended to read—
“BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge school boards to avoid or eliminate differentiated staffing policies or school-based staff deployment practices that result in the replacement of certificated teachers with noncertificated personnel.”

5.B.3 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge school boards to avoid or eliminate differentiated staffing policies or school-based staff [development] deployment practices that result in the replacement of certificated teachers with noncertificated personnel.

1-38/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 5.B.4 be reaffirmed.

5.B.4 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to enact legislation that provides for the protection, in the form of legal and financial support, of teachers who are at risk from student or parent behaviour.

1-39/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 5.B.7 be reaffirmed.

5.B.7 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge school boards to discontinue the practice of requiring the acquisition of an Alberta Class 4 driver’s licence as a condition of employment for teachers.

1-40/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 5.B.8 be reaffirmed.

5.B.8 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge local bargaining units to collect comparative longitudinal data on class size and composition and then negotiate clauses in their collective agreements that stipulate maximum class sizes based on class composition variables.

1-41/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 5.B.9 be amended to read—
“BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to ensure that school boards address immediately health and safety concerns relating to the increasingly unacceptable conditions of school facilities and provide appropriate funding for this purpose.”

5.B.9 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to ensure that school boards address immediately health and safety concerns relating to the increasingly unacceptable conditions of school facilities and provide appropriate funding for this purpose.

1-42/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 5.B.13 be reaffirmed.

5.B.13 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge local economic policy committees to amend their frames of reference to include a position of school administrator representative.

1-43/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 5.B.21 be amended to read—
“BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association call upon the Government of Alberta to recognize teachers’ need for sufficient time to undertake planning, lesson preparation, assessment, collaboration and other professional activities supporting instruction and student learning within a reasonable working day, when developing and implementing policy, regulations and funding.”

5.B.21 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association call upon the Government of Alberta to recognize[, in the development and implementation of policy and regulations and in funding,] teachers’ need for sufficient time to undertake planning, lesson preparation, assessment, collaboration and other professional activities supporting instruction and student learning within a reasonable working day, when developing and implementing policy, regulations and funding.

1-44/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 5.B.22 be amended and transferred to long-range policy—
“School boards, as required by legislation, must only use probationary contracts as a first contract of employment.”

5.B.22 [BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education to ensure that employers comply with the School Act by using] School boards, as required by legislation, must only use probationary contracts as [the standard] a first contract of employment [only].

1-45/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 5.B.23 be reaffirmed.

5.B.23 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge school boards to establish in policy and communicate to substitute teachers the criteria for the selection, retention and removal of teachers from district substitute teacher rosters in accordance with due process, natural justice and good employer/employee relations.

1-46/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 5.B.24 be reaffirmed.

5.B.24 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge school boards to adopt practices so that substitute teachers receive appropriate performance evaluations on request.

1-47/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 5.B.26 be amended to read—
“BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge each school board in Alberta to establish, maintain, and adhere to clearly outlined open, transparent, year-round posting, hiring and transfer procedures for teaching and administrative positions.”

5.B.26 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge each school board in Alberta to establish, maintain, and adhere to [a] clearly outlined open, transparent, year-round posting, [and] hiring and transfer procedures for teaching and administrative positions.

1-48/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 5.B.27 be reaffirmed.

5.B.27 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge Alberta school boards to ensure the personal safety of teachers who are at risk from student or parent behaviour.

1-49/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 5.B.29 be reaffirmed.

5.B.29 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education to replace the system average approach of the Class Size Initiative with measures to eliminate the wide discrepancies in class size and composition experienced by individual classroom teachers within a school jurisdiction and better achieve the goals of the initiative.

1-50/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 6.B.1 be reaffirmed.

6.B.1 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to enter into negotiations for the purpose of amending the teachers’ pension plan provisions to allow teachers who take leaves of absence to be given the option to contribute to the plan as if they were active members of the plan during such leave with the government also contributing according to the contribution sharing arrangement in the plan.

1-51/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 6.B.2 be reaffirmed.

6.B.2 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to immediately enter into negotiations for the purpose of amending the teachers’ pension plan to allow substitute teachers to be given the option to contribute to the plan as if they were active members of the plan with the government also contributing according to the contribution sharing arrangement in the plan.

1-52/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 7.B.2 be reaffirmed.

7.B.2 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to provide school boards with targeted funding to ensure dedicated time during the instructional day for school-based administrators to fulfill their leadership duties.

1-53/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 7.B.6 be reaffirmed.

7.B.6 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to increase education funding through increases in per-student funding and targeted grants that are adequate and sustained over time.

1-54/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 7.B.9 be reaffirmed.

7.B.9 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education to develop guidelines for the identification of English as an Additional Language students eligible for funding and for the provision of appropriate service to those students.

1-55/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 7.B.10 be amended to read—
“BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to provide funding for board-operated junior kindergarten and full-day kindergarten programs, including costs associated with
1. hiring a certificated teacher for each program;
2. providing for a maximum class size of 15 for junior kindergarten and 17 for kindergarten;
3. educational resources to implement the approved program;
4. educational support services; and
5. administrative, transportation, capital, and operation and maintenance costs.”

7.B.10 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to provide funding for board-operated junior kindergarten and full-day kindergarten programs, including costs ­associated with
1. hiring a certificated teacher for each program;
2. providing for a maximum class size[s] of 15 for junior kindergarten and 17 for kindergarten;
3. educational resources to implement the approved program;
4. educational support services; and
5. administrative, transportation, capital, and operation and maintenance costs.

1-56/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 7.B.16 be amended and transferred to long-range policy—
“The Alberta Teachers’ Association opposes any funding formula that is based on a form of vouchers.”

7.B.16 [BE IT RESOLVED, that t] The Alberta Teachers’ Association opposes any funding formula that is based on a form of vouchers.

1-57/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council
Calgary Public

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 7.B.17 be amended and transferred to long-range policy—
“The Government of Alberta should
1. cover the total cost of postsecondary tuition fees for all Alberta students,
2. appropriately fund higher education to enable provision of high-quality learning and research opportunities and
3. ensure access to higher education including the provision of subsistence grants available to those with limited financial resources.”

7.B.17 [BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge t] The Government of Alberta [to] should
1. cover the total cost of postsecondary tuition fees for all Alberta students,
2. [significantly increase its] appropriately fund[ing of] higher education to enable provision of high-quality learning and research opportunities and
3. ensure access to higher education including the provision of subsistence grants available to those with limited financial resources.

1-58/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 7.B.27 be reaffirmed.

7.B.27 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Minister of Education to stop school boards from recruiting international students as a way to compensate for inadequate funding of the public education system.

1-59/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 7.B.28 be amended to read—
“BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association strongly urge the Department of Education to provide appropriate funding to meet the complex needs of immigrant and refugee students who have limited formal schooling or who have experienced challenging circumstances prior to arriving in Alberta schools.”

7.B.28 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association strongly urge the Department of Education to provide appropriate funding to meet the complex needs of immigrant and refugee students [with] who have limited formal schooling or who have experienced challenging circumstances prior to arriving in [Canada] Alberta schools.

1-60/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 7.B.29 be amended and transferred to long-range policy—
“The Department of Education must ensure appropriate funding for English as an Additional Language students receiving instruction in Grades K–12.”

7.B.29 [BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge t] The Department of Education [to increase] must ensure appropriate funding for English as an Additional Language students receiving instruction in Grades K–12.

1-61/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 7.B.36 be amended to read—
“BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to appropriately fund existing and new programs and services to better address the issue of sexual exploitation of youth.”

7.B.36 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to [increase funding to] appropriately fund existing and new programs and services to better address the issue of sexual exploitation of youth.

1-62/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 7.B.37 be reaffirmed.

7.B.37 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge each school board to implement an average chargeback rate to schools for substitute teacher costs based on the actual system cost for a certificated substitute teacher from the previous school year plus any negotiated increase for the current school year.

1-63/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 7.B.38 be reaffirmed.

7.B.38 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Minister of Education to continue to fund the Career and Technology Studies Bridging and Reverse Bridging Program.

1-64/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council
Calgary Public

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 7.B.39 be amended to read—
“BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to ensure that annual increases in grants allocated on a per student basis are at least sufficient to cover increases in costs and are not less than the annual increase in Alberta’s rate of inflation.”

7.B.39 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to ensure [stable funding for education by ensuring] that annual increases in grants allocated on a per student basis are at least sufficient to cover increases in costs and are not less than the annual increase in Alberta’s rate of inflation.

1-65/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 7.B.40 be reaffirmed.

7.B.40 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association call upon the Government of Alberta to expedite the implementation of fully funded optional full-day kindergarten programs by public education authorities, delivered by certificated teachers.

1-66/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 8.B.3 be amended and transferred to long-range policy—
“Education governance in Alberta should continue to be provided by publicly elected school boards.”

8.B.3 [BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to ensure that e] Education governance in Alberta should continue[s] to be provided by publicly elected school boards.

1-67/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 8.B.4 be amended to read—
“BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to improve and increase public health services for children, making these services more accessible and reducing waiting time for children requiring diagnostic or treatment programs.”

8.B.4 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to improve and increase public health services for children, making these services more accessible and reducing waiting time for children requiring [special] diagnostic or [remedial] treatment programs.

1-68/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 8.B.9 be deleted.

8.B.9 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to ensure timely public services are available for children requiring special diagnostic or remedial treatment.

1-69/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 8.B.10 be amended to read—
“BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the provincial government to provide integrated health services in schools.”

8.B.10 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association [lobby] urge the provincial government to provide integrated health services in schools.

1-70/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 8.B.15 be deleted.

8.B.15 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge school boards to develop policies that implement the requirements for students’ conduct contained in the School Act.

1-71/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 8.B.27 be transferred to policy achieved.

8.B.27 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association support the efforts of the Canadian Teachers’ Federation to effect changes in future copyright amendments so that teachers in educational institutions are given special consideration to permit use of duplicated materials (print and nonprint) and Internet materials that are free and available to the public and that supplement the approved educational curriculum.

1-72/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 8.B.28 be reaffirmed.

8.B.28 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to ensure that the departments of Human Services, International and Intergovernmental Relations, Health, and Justice and Solicitor General take responsibility for funding the services within their mandates that are provided in schools so that funds allocated for education can be dedicated to that purpose.

1-73/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 8.B.32 be amended to read—
“BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge school boards to prohibit the practice of assigning teachers, with the exception of principals and assistant principals, to edit and proofread other teachers’ report cards.”

8.B.32 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge school boards to prohibit the practice of assigning teachers, with the exception of principals and assistant principals, to edit and proofread other teachers’ report cards.

1-74/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 8.B.33 be reaffirmed.

8.B.33 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to enact legislation and/or regulations requiring all school authorities to assist the Alberta Health Services Board to implement mandated population health initiatives by
1. distributing information to students, staff, parents and the school community;
2. providing access to students and staff; and
3. allowing the use of authority-operated facilities for delivery of population health initiatives, with any associated costs paid by the provincial government.

1-75/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 8.B.42 be reaffirmed.

8.B.42 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to limit student transportation times to reasonable amounts, taking into account the age of the children.

1-76/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 8.B.43 be reaffirmed.

8.B.43 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to ensure that applications for establishment or renewal of charter schools be refused if a school authority commits to providing in the community an alternative program substantially similar to that proposed in a charter application.

1-77/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 8.B.44 be reaffirmed.

8.B.44 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge school jurisdictions to ensure that schools have at least two staff members onsite when open to students or the public.

1-78/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 9.B.3 be reaffirmed.

9.B.3 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education to ensure that, when offering temporary contracts, employers comply with Section 101 of the School Act.

1-79/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council
Calgary Public

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 9.B.4 be amended to read—
“BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge school boards to implement strategies that promote positive, professional working conditions where school leaders are supported through
1. dedicated noninstructional time within the school day,
2. adequate resources at school sites and
3. systematic and clear lines of communication with central office and between school leaders.”

9.B.4 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge school boards to implement strategies that promote positive, [supportive] professional working [relationships with school-based administrators,] conditions where [administrators] school leaders are supported through
1. dedicated [administration release] noninstructional time within the school day,
2. adequate resources at school sites and
[3. appropriate compensation, and]
[4]3. systematic and clear lines of communication with central office and between school leaders.

1-80/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 9.B.5 be amended to read—
“BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to support mentorship programs that assist teachers and school administrators new to their role and that
1. are voluntary rather than compulsory;
2. are designed for professional growth;
3. are ongoing rather than short term;
4. are appropriately resourced, including funding for participant release time and provision for preparation of participants;
5. use sound research to inform practice;
6. are allowed to constitute the participants’ professional growth plan; and
7. are sponsored in collaboration with the Association.”

9.B.5 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to support mentorship programs that assist teachers and school administrators new to their role and that [exhibit the following characteristics:]
1. [A]are voluntary rather than compulsory[.];
2. [A]are designed for professional growth[.];
3. [A]are ongoing rather than short term[.];
4. [A]are appropriately resourced, including funding for participant release time and provision for preparation of participants[.];
5. [U]use sound research to inform practice[.];
6. [A]are allowed to constitute the participants’ professional growth plan[.]; and
7. [A]are sponsored in collaboration with the Association.

1-81/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 13.B.2 be deleted.

13.B.2 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to provide adequate funding to establish a maximum class size of 15 for junior kindergarten and 17 for kindergarten.

1-82/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council
Calgary Public

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 15.B.2 be amended and transferred to long-range policy—
“The Alberta Teachers’ Association opposes intervisitations for the purpose of gathering data for teacher supervision and/or evaluation.”

15.B.2 [BE IT RESOLVED, that t] The Alberta Teachers’ Association opposes intervisitations for the purpose of gathering data for teacher supervision and/or evaluation.

1-83/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 16.B.5 be reaffirmed.

16.B.5 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education to provide sufficient funding to school boards to address the total cost of ownership for technology, including maintenance, provision of technical support and training, software acquisition, infrastructure, subscriptions, upgrading, security and professional development.

1-84/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 16.B.14 be reaffirmed.

16.B.14 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education to amend its funding formula to include additional funding for the purchase of assistive technology, including the necessary technical support required by students with diverse learning needs to enable these students to (1) more easily meet the learner outcomes of the programs of studies; (2) foster independence for those who are not on any graded curriculum; and (3) meet the goals and objectives stated in their Individual Program Plans.

1-85/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 17.B.2 be amended to read—
“BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education to review the current inclusive education monitoring process and appropriately fund and support special education programming that ensures students with diverse needs are in the most enabling environment with the supports and resources necessary to ensure their success.”

17.B.2 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education to review the current [special] inclusive education monitoring process and appropriately fund and support special education programming that ensures students with [special] diverse needs are in the most enabling environment with the supports and resources necessary to ensure their success.

1-86/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 17.B.14 be amended to read and transferred to long-range policy—
“School boards should ensure that students with special needs are in the most enabling environments and that students and teachers are provided with the supports and resources necessary to ensure success.”

17.B.14 [BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge s] School boards [to] should ensure that students with special needs are in the most enabling environments and that students and teachers are provided with the supports and resources necessary to ensure success.

1-87/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 18.B.1 be amended to read—
“BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education and Alberta school boards to adopt policies that foster the development of schools as inclusive learning communities and to address discrimination, harassment, racism or other threats to equity and human rights.”

18.B.1 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education and Alberta school boards to adopt policies that foster the development of schools as inclusive learning communities and to address discrimination, harassment, racism or other threats to equity and human rights [protection in an environment that fosters inclusive learning specific to these areas].

1-88/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 18.B.3 be reaffirmed.

18.B.3 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education to provide curricula and education resources that prepare students to support and contribute to a society that is open, pluralistic, democratic and free from discrimination or violence based on a person’s actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity.

1-89/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 18.B.4 be reaffirmed.

18.B.4 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association advocate for the development, implementation and maintenance of comprehensive programs offered through the Society for Safe and Caring Schools and Communities for Kindergarten through Grade 12.

1-90/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 18.B.13 be reaffirmed.

18.B.13 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to restore maternity leave for mothers on income support to two years from the current twelve months.

1-91/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 18.B.14 be reaffirmed.

18.B.14 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education to develop research-based strategies, policies and practices in collaboration with education partners to ensure that gender equity becomes an integral part of all aspects of the educational system.

1-92/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 18.B.21 be amended to read—
“BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge Alberta school boards to develop district policies that specifically address the health and safety of sexual and gender minority students, as well as those who are perceived as such.”

18.B.21 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge Alberta school boards to develop district policies that specifically address the health and safety of sexual and gender minority [and gender-variant] students, as well as those who are perceived as such.

1-93/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 18.B.22 be amended to read—
“BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge Alberta school boards to develop district policies that specifically address the health, safety and employment concerns of sexual and gender minority staff, as well as those who are perceived as such.”

18.B.22 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge Alberta school boards to develop district policies that specifically address the health, safety and employment concerns of sexual and gender minority [and gender-variant] staff, as well as those who are perceived as such.

1-94/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 18.B.24 be reaffirmed.

18.B.24 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge school boards to utilize the Society for Safe and Caring Schools and Communities’ Diversity Education Policy Development Tool Kit as a guide for developing diversity, equity and human rights policies for their districts.

1-95/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 19.B.1 be amended to read—
“BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge school boards to adopt the Association’s ethical standards for education/business partnerships and sponsorships.”

19.B.1 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge school boards to adopt [and enforce] the Association’s ethical standards for education/business partnerships[ and business/ ] and sponsorships [in schools].

1-96/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 19.B.2 be amended to read—
“BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to adopt the Association’s ethical standards for education/business partnerships and sponsorships in schools.”

19.B.2 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to adopt [and enforce] the Association’s ethical standards for education/business partnerships[/] and sponsorships in schools.

1-97/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 19.B.3 be reaffirmed.

19.B.3 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to ban commercial advertising in schools, on school property, on school websites and on school buses.

1-98/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 19.B.4 be reaffirmed.

19.B.4 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association encourage school system officials, teachers and parents to develop skills to critically analyze commercially sponsored materials and information and to become media literate.

1-99/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 20.B.1 be amended to read—
“BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to change the regulations governing the awarding of drilling permits where hydrogen sulphide (sour gas) is present to ensure that no drilling be allowed near any school site consistent with the highest established safety standards.”

20.B.1 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to change the regulations governing the awarding of drilling permits where hydrogen sulphide (sour gas) is present to ensure that no drilling be allowed [within a radius of eight kilometres of] near any school site consistent with the highest established safety standards.

1-100/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 20.B.2 be amended to read—
“BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association, in cooperation with the Canadian Teachers’ Federation, urge the governments of Alberta and Canada to implement the Royal Society of Canada’s 2014 recommendation and instruct Health Canada to aggressively pursue research aimed at clarifying the radiofrequency health risk, which would allow the Government of Canada to develop protective measures if the risk were substantiated.”

20.B.2 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association, in cooperation with the Canadian Teachers’ Federation, urge the governments of Alberta and Canada to [review and report on research regarding the health effects of electromagnetic radio frequency radiation as it relates to cell phone towers, their proximity to a school and the possible health-related effects they may have on staff and students] implement the Royal Society of Canada’s 2014 recommendation and instruct Health Canada to aggressively pursue research aimed at clarifying the radiofrequency health risk, which would allow the Government of Canada to develop protective measures if the risk were substantiated.

1-101/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 20.B.3 be reaffirmed.

20.B.3 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to determine the design, configuration and utilization of all school facilities through a process that
1. makes a safe and healthy teaching and learning environment the highest priority;
2. includes consultation with the local school board, school community and staff;
3. undertakes research to develop optimal standards for heating, lighting, visual aesthetics, ventilation, acoustics and other school building systems;
4. requires school planners to incorporate energy-efficient components in the planning and design of school buildings;
5. provides funds for school boards to upgrade facilities in order to become more energy-efficient; and
6. develops school sites in such ways that preserve the natural environment.

1-102/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 20.B.7 be amended to read—
“BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education to undertake infrastructure initiatives required to address modernization, health and safety concerns, accessibility, student population growth and the provision of neighbourhood schools.”

20.B.7 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education to undertake infrastructure initiatives required to address modernization, health and safety concerns, accessibility, student population growth and the provision of neighbourhood schools.

1-103/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 22.B.1 be reaffirmed.

22.B.1 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education to require school jurisdictions to develop criteria and protocols for student placement in outreach schools.

1-104/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 22.B.2 be reaffirmed.

22.B.2 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education to fully fund and support outreach schools’ facilities, operation, maintenance and program costs.

1-105/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 22.B.3 be amended to read—
“BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge school jurisdictions to ensure that instructional grants used for outreach schools are used for program delivery and separate funds are available for the operation and maintenance of outreach schools.”

22.B.3 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge school jurisdictions to ensure that instructional grants used for outreach schools are used [solely] for program delivery[, rather than] and separate funds are available for the operation and maintenance of outreach schools.

1-106/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 22.B.5 be reaffirmed.

22.B.5 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge school jurisdictions to provide inservice, where requested, for outreach school staff in the areas of first aid, emergency response and conflict management.

1-107/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 22.B.6 be reaffirmed.

22.B.6 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge school jurisdictions to ensure that the safety concerns of outreach school facilities are assessed and addressed.

1-108/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 22.B.7 be reaffirmed.

22.B.7 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge school jurisdictions to ensure that outreach schools receive student records in a timely manner.

1-109/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 22.B.8 be reaffirmed.

22.B.8 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education and school boards to ensure that outreach education programs provide flexibility in meeting students’ diverse needs.

1-110/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that expiring current directive 22.B.9 be reaffirmed.

22.B.9 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education and school boards to support outreach schools to establish community partnerships and protocols in order to educate and support individualized student needs.

Local Resolutions

2-1/15 (Current Directive)
Fort Vermilion
Northern Spirit

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Association [strongly] urge school boards and ATA locals to form joint mentorship committees that conduct joint programs based on the Association’s model program.

2-6/15 (Current Directive)
Parkland Teachers’

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge Alberta Education to re-implement the written components for the science and math diploma examinations.

2-8/15 (Current Directive)
Rocky View

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association [increase efforts to work with] urge the Government of Alberta [in order to increase the effectiveness of] to require Alberta Education facilitators to be more accountable for achieving the goals of C2 committees [meetings] in reducing teacher workload and increasing teacher efficacy.

2-9/15 (Current Directive)
Calgary Separate

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to accept the following recommendations [of the Association] concerning the Student Learning Assessment initiatives in order to ensure their validity, viability and capacity to provide adequate implementation which would include but are not limited to:
a) appropriate piloting; [using]
b) a focus on performance assessments developed by the Alberta Assessment Consortium;
[b)] c) objectives consistent with those agreed to by the education partners;
[c)] d) adequate professional development, preparation and supports including time during the instructional day to complete the assessments;
[d)] e) a reasonable timeline for [implementation] development and refinement; and
[e)] f) a focus on formative assessment using actual and authentic samples of student work.

2-11/15 (Current Directive)
Edmonton Public

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to ban donations by corporations, trade unions and employee organizations to political parties, constituency associations and candidates.

2-12/15 (Current Directive)
Edmonton Public

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to restrict the maximum spending by [a] individual candidates running for MLA [to $45,000 in an election or by-election] and by political parties.

2-13/15 (Current Directive)
Edmonton Public

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to restrict the maximum personal donation to a political party to $3,000 a year.

2-16/15 (Current Directive)
Calgary Public

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge school boards to operate Knowledge and Employability courses independently from other course offerings in schools where feasible and with the appropriate supports in the inclusive classroom.

2-19/15 (Current Directive)
Calgary Public

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge local economic policy committees to negotiate clauses into collective agreements that would ensure substitute teachers who accept only one half-day assignment on any given day are paid at least 60 per cent of the regular daily rate for [a] that half-day assignment.”

2-21/15 (Administrative Directive)
Calgary Public

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Annual Representative Assembly approves in principle the move from a lease to an Association-owned building for the offices of SARO, Local 38 and Local 55.

2-26/15 (Current Directive)

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge Alberta Education to update the school counselling resource, “Building a Comprehensive Counselling & Guidance Program Plan” last published in 1995.

2-27/15 (Long-Range Policy)
Edmonton Catholic

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association [recognize the importance of the work of educational assistants within an inclusive classroom setting and in specialized programs and endorse the need for educational assistants] urge school jurisdictions to [receive] provide appropriate and ongoing training for paraprofessionals and assistants employed by school boards.

2-28/15 (Current Directive)
Edmonton Catholic

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to require that school boards provide training for educational assistants working with students with diverse learning needs. Such training would be required to take place during the educational assistant’s first year of employment and would include first aid, nonviolent crisis intervention, managing student behaviours, literacy and workplace safety practices as well as competency in the language of instruction.

2-29/15 (Current Directive)

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge Alberta Education to allow students to use reference materials, such as print and electronic versions of commercially published dictionaries, bilingual dictionaries, picture dictionaries, authorized writing handbooks and a commercially published thesaurus on all parts of any provincial assessments.

Provincial Executive Council Resolutions

3-1/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge school boards to manage their substitute teacher rosters so as to ensure all teacher requests are filled, while ensuring that those who substitute teach full-time maintain a living wage.

3-2/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge Alberta Education to develop guidelines that permit students to change the name, gender and pronouns on all official school records to reflect their consistently asserted gender identity.

3-3/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge Alberta Education to develop guidelines that permit teachers to change the name, gender and pronouns on all official department and school records to reflect their consistently asserted gender identity.

3-4/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge Alberta school boards to develop district policies to provide an all-gender washroom and change room in school board facilities.

3-5/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge Alberta school boards to develop policy that prohibits the practice of gender-specific dress codes for students and teachers.

3-6/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge Alberta school boards to develop district policies that permit trans-identified students to participate on sex-segregated sports teams, interschool athletic activities and physical education classes that align with their consistently asserted gender identity.

3-7/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

Be it resolved, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education to engage in a consultation process with stakeholders at all levels to build understanding and support for the vision of inclusive education.

3-8/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

Be it resolved, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education to create short-, medium- and long-term implementation plans to guide inclusive education in Alberta in consultation with a provincial stakeholder advisory committee.

3-9/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

Be it resolved, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education to engage in clear, multilevel, consistent and transparent communication with all stakeholders with respect to current directions, policies and regulations regarding inclusive education.

3-10/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

Be it resolved, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education to work directly with school jurisdictions and schools to provide direct support at the classroom level for inclusion.

3-11/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

Be it resolved, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge school jurisdictions to provide a safe, professional environment where teachers and administrators can engage in open, critical and constructive dialogue concerning the implementation of inclusion.

3-12/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

Be it resolved, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education to provide immediate, targeted, substantial and sustained funding, in cycles of five to seven years, for school jurisdiction implementation of inclusion to ensure that the staff, resources and supports necessary to build and sustain capacity in the system are available.

3-13/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

Be it resolved, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education to recognize in curriculum and assessment instruments and policy that there are multiple ways for students to demonstrate their learning.

3-14/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

Be it resolved, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education to ensure that learner assessments required by Alberta Education do not create barriers to accessing postsecondary education or to entering the workforce.

3-15/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

Be it resolved, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education to recognize that, in an inclusive education environment, teachers are best positioned to determine the most appropriate mode of assessing individual student learning.

3-16/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

Be it resolved, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education to ensure that all curriculum documents clearly address the full range of learners in the school system.

3-17/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

Be it resolved, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education to require that curriculum resources address the wide range of student learning needs in classrooms.

3-18/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

Be it resolved, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education to determine the true cost of inclusion by monitoring and reporting on the utilization of inclusive education funding provided to school jurisdictions to effectively support the learning of all students.

3-19/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

Be it resolved, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to provide immediate, targeted, substantial and sustained funding for partnerships with institutions with accredited preservice Alberta teacher preparation programs to conduct regular research in Alberta classrooms on inclusion and determine the effectiveness of inclusion.

3-20/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

Be it resolved, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to expand access to early intervention programs, including full-day, purposeful play-based kindergarten programs provided by certificated teachers, to ensure that children with diverse learning needs have the supports and programs they require.

3-21/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

Be it resolved, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education to recognize the importance of preschool intervention as provided through Program Unit Funding (PUF), high quality day care and junior kindergarten in preparing children for learning in an inclusive schooling environment and such supports should continue into formal schooling.

3-22/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

Be it resolved, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education to recognize as children at risk and ensure that there is adequate funding to effectively support a) First Nations, Métis and Inuit students, b) English-language learners, [b)] c) children living in poverty, [c)] d) children new to Canada, [d)] e) children from refugee backgrounds and [e)] f) children who are suffering from trauma.

3-23/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

Be it resolved, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to provide adequate support including the services of and qualified health-care professionals for medically fragile students.

3-24/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge school jurisdictions to recognize that teachers may need additional or different professional development and supports concerning inclusive education practices as they transition through their careers, and provide such professional development and related supports.

3-25/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

Be it resolved, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge institutions with accredited Alberta teacher preparation programs to design programs such that the expected outcome is that each graduate has a sound working knowledge of inclusion.

3-26/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

Be it resolved, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge institutions with accredited Alberta teacher preparation programs to allow undergraduate students to specialize in inclusive education.

3-27/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

Be it resolved, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to create a provincial scholarship program to support master’s and doctoral studies focusing on inclusive education in institutions with accredited Alberta teacher preparation programs.

3-28/15 (Long-Range Policy)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that long-range policy 13.A.3 be amended to read—
“The primary function of kindergarten is the development of the whole child through purposeful educational and child-centered experiences.”

13.A.3 The primary function of kindergarten is the development of the whole child through purposeful educational and child-centered experiences.

3-29/15 (Long-Range Policy)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that long-range policy 13.A.5 be deleted.

13.A.5 Planned educational experiences are an integral part of the child’s total development.

3-30/15 (Long-Range Policy)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that long-range policy 13.A.6 be deleted.

13.A.6 Parent involvement is an integral part of early childhood education.

3-31/15 (Long-Range Policy)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that long-range policy 13.A.7 be amended to read—
“Early childhood education should respect the principles and practice of inclusion and accommodate the diverse range of experiences and developmental needs of individual students.”

13.A.7 Early childhood education should [provide for individual learning styles and rates of progress] respect the principles and practice of inclusion and accommodate the diverse range of experiences and developmental needs of individual students.

3-32/15 (Long-Range Policy)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that long-range policy 13.A.8 be amended to read—
“Early childhood education should be experiential in nature and include a variety of approaches [such as inquiry and project-based learning] that encourage self-selection and self-direction.”

13.A.8 Early childhood education should be experiential in nature[, employing a learning through living approach stimulated by interaction with other children, adults and manipulative materials] and include a variety of approaches that encourage self-selection and self-direction.

3-33/15 (Long-Range Policy)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that long-range policy 13.A.9 be deleted.

13.A.9 Content and activities in early childhood education should be integrated around broad themes and should provide opportunities for self-selection and self-direction by children.

3-34/15 (Long-Range Policy)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that long-range policy 13.A.13 be deleted.

13.A.13 All teachers engaged in publicly funded early childhood services should be employees of a local school board.

3-35/15 (Long-Range Policy)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that long-range policy 13.A.14 be deleted.

13.A.14 Services for young children are a cooperative concern of a variety of social institutions.

3-36/15 (Long-Range Policy)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that long-range policy 13.A.15 be deleted.

13.A.15 The school board is responsible for providing early childhood education and coordinating early childhood services at the community level.

3-37/15 (Long-Range Policy)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that long-range policy 13.A.16 be deleted.

13.A.16 The Department of Education is responsible for ensuring the availability of early childhood education programs through school boards.

3-38/15 (Long-Range Policy)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that long-range policy 13.A.17 be deleted.

13.A.17 All publicly funded early childhood education programs should be under the jurisdiction of school boards.

3-39/15 (Long-Range Policy)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that long-range policy 13.A.18 be amended to read—
“The Government of Alberta is responsible for the provision of early childhood services through public school authorities and for coordination at the provincial level.”

13.A.18 The Government of Alberta is responsible for the provision of early childhood services through public school authorities and for coordination at the provincial level.

3-40/15 (Long-Range Policy)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that long-range policy 13.A.19 be deleted.

13.A.19 Early childhood services should not be part of any split-class arrangement with Grade 1 classes.

3-41/15 (Long-Range Policy)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that long-range policy 4.A.1 be amended to read—
“Educational research is fundamental to improving instructional practice and policies in order to enhance student learning.”

4.A.1 Educational research is fundamental to improving instructional practice and policies in order to enhance student learning.

3-42/15 (Long-Range Policy)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that long-range policy 4.A.4 be amended to read—
“Teachers must be involved in and take on key leadership roles in the planning, implementation and evaluation of innovation of educational practice.”

4.A.4 [Educational innovations must involve teachers in] Teachers must be involved in and take on key leadership roles in the planning, implementation and evaluation [phases] of innovation of educational practice.

3-43/15 (Long-Range Policy)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that long-range policy 4.A.5 be amended to read—
“The teaching profession must be involved in determining the priorities and directions of research and development.”

4.A.5 The teaching profession must be involved in determining the [needs] priorities and directions of research and development.

3-44/15 (Long-Range Policy)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that long-range policy 4.A.6 be amended to read—
“A major function of educational research is to provide a rational basis for evidence-informed educational decisions from the classroom to system level.”

4.A.6 A major function of educational research is to provide a rational basis for evidence-informed educational decisions from the classroom to system level.

3-45/15 (Long-Range Policy)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that long-range policy 4.A.8 be amended to read—
“The Alberta Teachers’ Association should identify and promote the study of issues that are of direct concern to the Association and the broader educational community.”

4.A.8 The Alberta Teachers’ Association should identify and [undertake studies] promote the study of issues that are of direct concern to the Association and the broader educational community.

3-46/15 (Long-Range Policy)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that long-range policy 4.A.12 be amended to read—
“Educational researchers, in collaboration with teachers, should be partners in applying research findings to school and system contexts.”

4.A.12 Educational researchers, in collaboration with teachers, should be partners in applying research findings to school and system contexts.

3-47/15 (Long-Range Policy)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that long-range policy 4.A.13 be amended to read—
“Teachers need both time and resources to engage in professional inquiry and research activities.”

4.A.13 Teachers need both time and resources to engage in professional inquiry and research activities.

3-48/15 (Long-Range Policy)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that long-range policy 4.A.14 be amended to read—
“Educational research and development must, whenever planned change is proposed, incorporate study of its impact on teacher workload and conditions of practice.”

4.A.14 Educational research and development must, whenever planned change is proposed, incorporate study of its impact on teacher workload and [classroom] conditions of practice.

3-49/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge institutions with accredited preservice Alberta teacher preparation programs recognized by the Association to ensure that these programs formally and effectively address diversity, equity and human rights issues.”

3-50/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge institutions with accredited Alberta preservice teacher preparation programs recognized by the Association to develop and implement programs which equip teachers to recognize and respond to social, emotional and economic factors that affect the learning opportunities of students.

3-51/15 (Administrative Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association fund an education program aimed at teachers and expand the program to include a public audience to educate and inform the general public of the value of defined benefit pension plans.

3-52/15 (Administrative Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association provide funding for the development of web-based communication or a web-based tool that would assist the work of the Member Services program area.

3-53/15 (Administrative Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association provide funds to expand the reach of professional development resources through the use of technology.

3-55/15 (Administrative Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association support, on a scaled implementation, the online growth planning service.

3-56/15 (Administrative Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association continue the work of the Committee on the Role of Superintendents in the Teaching Profession.

3-57/15 (Administrative Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association develop a program of support for school leaders to establish a leadership mentorship network.

3-58/15 (Administrative Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association provide funds for independent research to support the work of the Committee on the Role of the Superintendents in the Teaching Profession.

3-59/15 (Administrative Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association conduct a comprehensive study on the cross-professional scope of practice.

3-60/15 (Administrative Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that, pursuant to Bylaw 9(2)(a), the fee payable by an active member employed full-time be $1,242 per annum effective 2015 09 01.

3-61/15 (Administrative Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that, pursuant to Bylaw 9(2)(f), the fee payable by an associate member be $186.30 per annum effective 2015 09 01.

3-62/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

Be it resolved, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge institutions with accredited Alberta teacher education programs to ensure that preservice field experience observations and evaluations are conducted only by assigned cooperating teachers and faculty consultants/advisors.

3-63/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

Be it resolved, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge institutions with accredited Alberta teacher education programs to ensure that preservice field experience observations or evaluations are conducted by cooperating teachers and education faculty consultants/advisors who are physically present during all observations or evaluations and who are familiar with the specific context of the learning situation.

3-64/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to conduct a comprehensive review of curriculum reform processes with the objective of developing a plan for collaborative curriculum renewal consistent with the Association’s 2014 Declaration on Curriculum Development and Implementation.

3-65/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to reject the provisions of the proposed budget of March 26, 2015 and bring forward a new budget that will guarantee funding equity for students and school boards by ensuring that growth in student enrolment is appropriately funded and that funding is restored for programs serving vulnerable students, including those with special learning needs and English language learners.

3-66/15 (Current Directive)
Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to institute ministerial orders that will support the establishment and operation of Gay–Straight Alliances (or similar organizations established under Section 35.1 of the Education Act) by
1. preventing the disclosure of a student’s membership in a GSA (or similar organization) or participation in the organization’s activities to any person without the explicit prior consent of the student;
2. confirming the right of the student(s) who requests establishment of a GSA, or similar organization, to determine the final operational name of that organization;
3. confirming the right of student members and teacher advisors to determine the purpose, activities, projects and undertakings of the GSA, or similar organization;
4. protecting principals and teachers who facilitate the creation or operation of a GSA, or similar organization, from employment discrimination or sanctions, formal or informal, related to their activities with the GSA, or similar organization; and
5. affirming the right of denominational schools to require, as a condition of hiring or enrolment, a declaration of faith, but thereafter precluding discrimination on any protected ground, including sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression.

Assembly Resolutions

4-1/16 (Current Directive)

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to place a moratorium on the current Student Learning Assessment program until such time as the profession’s concerns regarding the program are addressed.

4-2/15 (Current Directive))

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Government of Alberta to continue to operate a Calgary Young Offenders Centre that includes all services currently offered to support the successful reintegration of those young offenders into society.

4-4/15 (Current Directive)

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association request that all school jurisdictions revise their current budgets and staffing models for the 2015–2016 school year to reflect the additional funding promised by the government-elect in order to appropriately fund instructional programs and student enrolment.

4-5/15 (Current Directive)

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Department of Education and school boards to use their best efforts to ensure that students who feel most suited to attending an outreach program are able to attend school in a stand-alone facility that is quite distinctly removed from a traditional school setting.


2-17/15 (Current Directive)
Calgary Public

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge the Teacher Qualifications Service and the Teacher Salary Qualifications Board to amend the Principles for the Evaluation of Years of Teacher Education for Salary Purposes in order to recognize education completed in the achievement of a valid journeyman’s certificate, or its equivalent, on an equivalent basis as postsecondary training completed in the achievement of a university degree.

2-18/15 (Current Directive)
Calgary Public

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association urge school boards to ensure that teachers whose probationary contracts expire while they undertake a maternity and/or parental leave are provided with probationary or continuous contracts immediately upon their return to active service.


2-10/15 (Administrative Directive)
Calgary Separate

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association undertake a feasibility study to determine the infrastructure, organizational needs and costs that would be required to deploy a full-time professional development staff officer to the Southern Alberta Regional Office (SARO).

2-15/15 (Administrative Directive)
Edmonton Public

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association give first consideration to products from Alberta for use in the cafeteria and bar services whenever available and feasible.

2-23/15 (Current Directive)

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Alberta Teachers’ Association investigate the development of a single point of entry for speakers and exhibitors to apply for participation in provincial teachers’ conventions.

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