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Genevieve Balogun

Her memory makes us smile

Genevieve BalogunGenevieve Balogun, director of Immigrant Services Calgary and an Association instructor, was killed in a traffic accident on April 24, 2009.

Over the years, Balogun was recognized for her work promoting multiculturalism and fighting racism. An educator with the Calgary Board of Education for more than 30 years, she was a regular ARA delegate for the board. She served as an Association instructor and was involved with the Associated Schools Project Network (ASPNet) Intercultural Perspectives subcommittee, the ATA’s Second Languages and Intercultural Council, and the Alberta Association for Multicultural Education. She was a community liaison for the Terry Fox Family of Schools, and was one of two community leaders designated as Visionaries for the Diversity and Inclusion Initiative of the Calgary Foundation’s Forever Funds.Balogun’s fellow Association instructors describe her as amazing, dedicated, kind, vibrant and jovial—a woman with a huge heart, an infectious smile and a twinkle in her eye that could light up a room. She was a mentor, an encourager, a caregiver, a friend and a colleague. She always spoke in a reverent tone of voice about people and ideas. She had a generous spirit. She gave the gift of herself. One instructor commented: “Her memory makes me smile.” We have lost a kindred spirit. We will miss you. 

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