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TALEEND: We Remember

November 17, 2020


Classes watched a pre-recorded “assembly” hosted by our grade 4–6 students, followed by a schoolwide moment of silence over the intercom. – Darby McAsey, Haultain Memorial School, Calgary

My class organized our Remembrance Day ceremony and liturgy. We made a slideshow on PowerPoint that included pictures of lost ones who have served in war, a photo of our girl guides and scouts with the flag and wreath, and my class signed a song (“What A Wonderful World”) since they couldn’t sing. It was our big surprise. We couldn’t wait for everyone to see it, especially for families to see their photos of loved ones. It’s sad we couldn’t be together, but we are all finding ways to celebrate.
– Crystal Hemsworth Jones, St. Hubert Elementary School, Calgary

 We created a virtual assembly. The Grade 6 classes each performed a poem, we did a wreath laying ceremony with each class individually in the gym and pieced the film together. And we are sharing photos of people connected to our school community that are or have served.
– Susan Michaud, Deer Run School, Calgary

Live streamed a previously recorded ceremony into classrooms on Tuesday. We just finished recording today with our virtual laying of the wreath. It all came together really nicely...but was a lot more work than usual.
– Kimberly Hall, Kim Hung School, Edmonton

 There was a pre-recorded virtual ceremony that all classes watched, for all students both in-person and online. Throughout the video, students had opportunities to reflect and remember.
– Laura Vassa Weselowski, Manmeet Singh Bhullar School, Calgary

We recorded musical tributes in my music class and put them together with admin messages and a recitation of “In Flanders’ Fields” to share with students and families.
– Crystal Brophy, Ecole Broxton Park School, Spruce Grove

 Each class made a short video and we edited it together into a larger video to share with the whole school (we watched it in our own rooms on the 10th) and our families at home.
– Teresa Andersson, Donalda School, Donalda

We did a slideshow compilation of what peace meant to each class from K to 6, and we had a virtual ceremony on the 10th. Here is kindergarten art!
–  Krista Lyne, Ecole Crawford Plains School, Edmonton

Our school is K–12. We had students remain in their classrooms. We used the Zoom platform to share class performances. Each class made and placed a wreath in their classroom.
– Larry Irla, Boyle School, Boyle



Students in Melissa Robins’s K/1 class at Queen Elizabeth School in Wetaskiwin created this photo in recognition of Remembrance Day.





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