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Thanksgiving—ATA staff share their gratitude for teachers


October 6, 2020



For inspiring me to be the best that I can be, and for teaching me that character is my true destiny. This was true when I was in kindergarten, and it is true today.

Didi Heer (she/her)
Accountant, subgroup services


Of their ability to make a difference in the lives of children. I am thankful for the many hats that each teacher wears, their dedication to supporting students and how they take joy in the successes of their students. Teachers inspire us to dream, to open our minds, to think for ourselves, to strive for more, to never give up. Their relentless efforts every day to ensure success and demonstrate caring create the fabric of our society.

Michelle Glavine (she/her)
Executive staff officer, Teacher Employment Services


They dive in heart first, making connections with their students, colleagues, families and communities.

Nancy Luyckfassel (she/her)
Executive staff officer, Professional Development


They keep me occupied in my work even during this pandemic and let me enjoy my daily routine from home. With restrictions going on, the teaching fraternity needs more reading aids, and I am glad that I make it possible for them.

Sheeba Kamran (she/her)
Library technician


So many have shaped and continue to shape my life in wonderful ways. This fall, I am particularly thankful for my daughter’s kindergarten teacher, who is bringing a little extra joy to my girl — and her classmates, I’m sure — during a pandemic. The joy translates to the parents, who can get a few precious hours of quiet time.

Lindsay Yakimyshyn (she/her)
Administrative officer, Association administration
and research


For inspiring me through their passion for their work with students. Teachers will often go to school early to prep or mark, work all day and attend meetings that last late into the evening because they are alight with a fire for reaching all students. Their passion has inspired us to develop new collections and services in the library.

Sandra Anderson (she/her)


Je suis reconnaissant
envers les enseignants, car ils s’investissent corps et âme pour relever les nombreux et imposants défis que leur confie la société.

David Martin (il)
Administrative officer,  French services


They create the future by helping one generation flourish into the next.

Phil McRae (he/him)
Associate co-ordinator, research


They are a very resilient bunch who, although they work in an environment  full of daily joys and opportunities for unique interactions, also face challenges from so many directions. In the face of it all, teachers continue to humbly dedicate their time and energy to helping others, often putting others’ needs in front of their own.

Keith Hadden (he/him)
Associate co-ordinator, Teacher Employment Services, SARO


•  Experiencing their passion for teaching led me to mine.
•  They never give up on students.
•  They are flexible and resilient every day, besides having these qualities during a pandemic.
•  They helped grow my children into adults who are confident in their ability to learn.

Joni Turville (she/her)
Associate executive secretary


Their gift of teaching and shared knowledge is one that keeps on giving during an individual’s lifetime and many benefit from their learning. Society as a whole profits from the educational contribution of teachers. The evidence is all around us, and I believe no one becomes who they are without having been inspired
by a teacher.

Joan Steinbrenner (she/her)
Document Production manager


I am thankful for teachers because you are at the heart of democratic citizenship. You believe in equity, fairness and justness, and this guides your work every day. Your work makes all of us better.

Cory Schoffer (he/him)
Executive staff officer, non-departmental

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