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Notices and Events

Autism conference welcomes experts

Children’s Autism Services of Edmonton is hosting its 11th annual autism conference. The three-day conference is divided into two parts, with the first day happening on Monday, Oct. 22, at the Edmonton Expo Centre.

This first day will feature Tony Attwood, a renowned clinical psychologist specializing in Asperger’s Syndrome. 

Days two and three will take place Jan. 24 – 25, at the River Cree Resort and Casino. These final two days of the conference will feature highly distinguished experts in the field of autism, including Steve Silberman, best-selling author of Neurotribes, and Pamela Wolfberg, a professor in the Autism Spectrum Program at San Francisco State University. 

To register for Oct. 22, go to For more information phone 780-495-9235 or email 

Teachers sought for Canadian Armed Forces schools overseas

The Department of National Defence (DND) hires Canadian teachers each year for positions at two Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) overseas schools located in The Netherlands and Belgium.

Selected teachers serve for two years under secondment, remaining employees of their school districts in Canada with salary and benefits paid by the sponsoring school districts and reimbursed by the DND.

The application period is from Sept. 1 to Nov. 1. More information is available at


Stories and photos wanted
The ATA News is always on the lookout for interesting articles, photos and cartoons. Articles should not exceed 500 words and should be accompanied by a short byline, stating where you work and what you teach. Photos of teachers or students participating in interesting activities are welcome, as are cartoons. Don’t forget to include photo captions. Please note: Receipt of material does not guarantee its publication. Send your submissions to Managing Editor, the ATA News, 11010–142 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5N 2R1 or submit electronically to

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