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Calgary professor wins ATA award for math research

January 10, 2018 ATA News Staff
Dr. Jo Towers is the recipient of the 2017 Alberta Teachers’ Association Educational Research Award.

University of Calgary professor Dr. Jo Towers is the recipient of the 2017 Alberta Teachers’ Association Educational Research Award.

Valued at $5,000, the annual award is presented to a faculty of education member or sessional lecturer at an Alberta university or university college who has undertaken high quality research on classroom teaching and learning.

Selected by a five-member panel over 10 other submissions, Towers’ research involved the collection and analysis of “mathematical autobiographies” of K–9 students. The objectives of the project included gaining a deeper understanding of the experiences students have when learning math, and helping teachers understand their role in shaping students’ mathematical identities.

Towers has given presentations on her research at Alberta schools and through professional forums, including a symposium series she organized at the U of C. Articles on her study have also appeared in a number of publications, including the Canadian Journal of Science and the Alberta Journal of Educational Research.

“Dr. Towers compellingly and convincingly illustrates the importance of attending to children’s emotional and imaginative understanding of mathematics,” said Dr. J-C Couture, the ATA’s associate co-ordinator of research.

“Her research is not only timely, but generates ideas and considerations genuinely oriented to helping teachers develop a greater understanding of their students.”

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