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It’s a wrap

March 13, 2018

Teachers’ convention season came to an end on March 8 and 9 with Central East Alberta Teachers’ Convention in Edmonton and the Mighty Peace convention in Grande Prairie.

Theatre director and retired drama teacher Gail Whiteford (above, left) removes an artificial wound from the head of Stephen Cole, a drama teacher at Camrose Composite High School, during a workshop on gore makeup at Central East Alberta Teachers’ Convention. Alicia Kneeland-Teasdale (above, right), a cosmetology teacher at William E. Hay school in Stettler, experiments with fake blood.


Clinical psychologist Alex Russell (above, left) delivers the opening keynote address at Central East Alberta Teachers’ Convention. The topic was raising resilient children. Education Minister David Eggen (above, right) awaits his turn to speak to convention attendees.


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