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From the Bookshelves

October 1, 2010 Sandra Anderson

Your ATA Library Rides the Technology Wave

In keeping with this issue’s theme of education and technology, we are highlighting new titles about technology in the ATA library. Is this everything that the library has on technology? Not by a long shot! There are far too many titles to list here. You’re invited to explore the library catalogue online and discover other great titles to borrow. 

English Books

Database Magic: Using Databases to Teach Curriculum in Grades 4–12
Sandra A. Dounce, 2008. Eugene, Ore: International Society for Technology in Education (371.334 D738)
Dounce covers the basics of databases, including building, retrieving data through sorting and filtering, and creating queries and reports. She discusses how databases can be used in classrooms and provides examples on an accompanying CD.

Delivering E-Learning: A Complete Strategy for Design, Application and Assessment
Kenneth Fee, 2009. London, UK: Kogan Page (371.334 F295)
The author reviews e-learning’s earlier bad practices and consequences. Although focused on business environments, the book is applicable to all educators who are designing e-learning courses.

Digital Cultures: Understanding New Media
Glen Creeber and Royston Martin (eds.), 2009. Berkshire, UK: Open University Press (302.231 D574)
The book provides an overview of the debates surrounding new media in our society. 

The Digital Diet: Today’s Digital Tools in Small Bytes
Andrew Churches, Lee Crockett and Ian Jukes, 2010. Kelowna, BC: 21st Century Fluency Project (371.334 C562)
The authors present a smorgasbord of online services for the classroom and provide examples of classroom use of these tools. 

Digital Storytelling in the Classroom: New Media Pathways to Literacy, Learning and Creativity
Jason Ohler, 2008. Thousand Oaks, Calif: Corwin (372.677 O37)
Ohler discusses story mapping and provides a step-by-step guide to creating media-based stories using freeware or low-cost software. 

Don’t Make Me Think: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability
Steve Krug, 2006. Berkeley, Calif: New Riders (006.7 K94)
Krug’s easy-to-use and visually appealing book explores web design. Using real web examples to show what does and doesn’t work in page layouts, he shows readers how to see their sites in a new way.

The Dumbest Generation: How the Digital Age Stupefies Young Americans and Jeopardizes our Future
Mark Bauerlein, 2008. New York: Penguin (302.231 B344)
Rather than praising the millennials for multitasking and connectivity, Bauerlein argues that technology is allowing this peer group to turn inward and to disconnect from everything and everyone. 

The Educational Potential of E-Portfolios: Supporting Personal Development and Reflective Learning
Lorraine Stefani, Robin Mason and Chris Pegler, 2007. New York: Routledge (371.144 S816)
Electronic portfolios can be used to enhance learning—from reflective learning to showcasing projects—but they raise ethical, operational and pedagogical concerns. The authors give advice about different uses and identify online resources for teacher reference.

E-Mail: A Write It Well Guide: How to Write and Manage E-Mail in the Workplace
Janis Fisher Chan, 2008. Oakland, Calif: Write It Well (658.453 C454)
Chan provides basic guidelines to writing clear e-mails, thereby avoiding problems that arise from being misunderstood.  

Empowering Students with Technology
Alan November, 2010. Thousand Oaks, Calif: Corwin (371.33 N939)
November discusses how digital skills enhance students’ problem solving, critical thinking and research skills. His innovative ideas for using technology in the classroom can empower students and teachers to explore new digital worlds.

Exploring Web 2.0: Second Generation Interactive Tools—Blogs, Podcasts, Wikis, Networking, Visual Worlds and More
Ann Bell, 2009. Georgetown, Tex: Kathy Crossing (025.04 B433)
Bell opens each chapter with a “What is?” feature that explains technology in clear language before she moves into a discussion of how it can be used. Topics include RSS Feed, metadata, social bookmarking, blogging, podcasting, vodcasts, screencasts, wikis, mashups, virtual office apps, virtual learning environments, social networking, multi-user virtual environments and web real-time communications.

Facebook: The Missing Manual: The Book That Should Have Been In The Box
E. A. Vander Veer, 2008. Sebastopol, Calif: O’Reilly (006.71 V228)
Vander Veer’s manual for setting up on Facebook is thorough. The author discusses selecting appropriate privacy rules, using Facebook tools and connecting with others.

Girl Wide Web: Girls, the Internet, and the Negotiation of Identity
Sharon Mazzarella (ed.), 2008. New York: Peter Lang. (305.2352 G525)
Women and girls now outnumber men and boys as users of the Internet, but there is still a perception that females are less web-savvy than males. Mazzarella explores how girls use the web in different ways than boys and how their use affects the development of their identities.

Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing Without Organizations
Clay Shriky, 2008.Toronto, Ont: Penguin (303.4833 S337)
A revolution is starting—not because we have new tools, but because these tools are allowing society to adopt new behaviours.

How to Survive and Succeed with an Interactive Whiteboard
Greg Braham, 2006. Cambridge, UK: LDA (371.33 B813)
Braham provides teaching tips to develop confidence in using interactive whiteboards (SMART Boards) effectively in the classroom.

How to Use an Interactive Whiteboard Really Effectively in Your Secondary Classroom
Jenny Gage, 2006. Oxon, UK: Fulton (371.33 G132)
Beginners learn the basics of using a whiteboard in class and then take it to the next level using the boards imaginatively. Examples are included, and a CD of resources accompanies the book.

Internet Inquiry: Conversations about Method
Annette Markham and Nancy Baym (eds.), 2009. Los Angeles, Calif: Sage (370.781 I61)
Methods for conducting qualitative research on the Internet are discussed. Consideration is also given to defining project boundaries, collecting and interpreting data, privacy concerns, and the influence of gender and sexuality on qualitative Internet research.

Leonardo’s Laptop: Human Needs and the New Computing Technology
Ben Shneiderman, 2002. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press (004 S358)
Shneiderman explores how Leonardo DaVinci would have designed a laptop with applications to have universal usability. He challenges technology developers to do the same.

Oxford Handbook of Internet Psychology
Adam Joinson, et al (eds.), 2007. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press (303.48 O98)
The handbook features essays from leading researchers who examine how we use the Internet as an extension of ourselves and its influence on the way we think about the world.

Practices of Looking: An Introduction to Visual Culture
Marita Sturken and Lisa Cartwright, 2009. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press (701.03 S935)
The way we understand visual communication is becoming increasingly important as we change to a more visual culture. Topics discuss how globalization affects visual culture, the surge of visual media, and consumerism and identity.

Rethinking Education in the Age of Technology: The Digital Revolution and Schooling in America
Allan Collins and Richard Halverson, 2009. New York: Teachers College Press (370.285 C712)
Collins and Halverson argue that technology will shape education to become individualized. They balance their discussion with positive and negative aspects of the digital age. 

Rocket Surgery Made Easy: The Do-It-Yourself Guide to Finding and Fixing Usability Problems
Steve Krug, 2010. Berkeley, Calif: New Riders (006.7 K94)
The title sums up this practical and easy-to-read book from a guru in web use.

The Sage Handbook of E-Learning Research
Richard Andrews and Caroline Haythornthwaite (eds.), 2007. Thousand Oaks, Calif: Sage (371.3344678 S129)
Experts in the discipline of e-learning provide a critical look at more than 20 different areas of e-learning research. Topics include second languages, PD for teachers, community embedded learning, the digital divide and asynchronous learning.

The Socially Networked Classroom: Teaching in the New Media Age
William Kist, 2010. Thousand Oaks, Calif: Corwin (371.3344678 J61)
Kist considers how digital social networking skills can be harnessed to deepen teaching and learning in the classroom. 

Teaching Technology in the Secondary Science Classroom
Randy L. Bell, Julie Gess-Newsome and Julie Luft (eds.), 2008. (607.1 T255)
This book looks at how software and online tools can enhance learning in the secondary science curriculum. Included are chapters on computer simulations, probeware, online videos and online data sources.

Teaching with the Tools Kids Really Use: Learning with Web and Mobile Technologies
Susan Brooks-Young, 2010. Thousand Oaks, Calif: Corwin (372.34 N873)
The author suggests taking advantage of the inexpensive hardware and free Web 2.0 software to develop 21st-century skills in students. The Web 2.0 chapters cover social networks, virtual works, content creation sites and gaming. 

Tricks of the Podcasting Masters
Rob Walch and Mur Lafferty, 2006. Indianapolis, Ind: Que (025.04 W153)
Podcasting involves creating a sound file on a particular topic and distributing that file by Internet. Not all podcasts are created equal, however, and this book explores techniques that the most successful podcasters use to attract and retain large audiences. 

The Twitter Book
Tim O’Reilly and Sarah Milstein, 2009. Sebastopol, Calif: O’Reilly (004.691 O66)
Get connected on Twitter, avoid common mistakes, understand the methods for posting and use Twitter like a professional.

Understanding the Digital Generation: Teaching and Learning in the New Digital Landscape
Ian Jukes, Ted McCain and Lee Crockett, 2010. Kelowna, BC: 21st Century Fluency Project (371.33 J93)
The authors discuss how education can meet the challenges of required new literacies while continuing to support traditional learning.

Using Blogs to Enhance Literacy: The Next Powerful Step in 21st-Century Learning
Diane Penrod, 2007. Lanham, Md: Rowman & Littlefield Education (808.0420285 P417)
Penrod explores the blog movement in voluntary student writing. She explains the appeals of blogs for teenagers and the social and educational benefits gained by students who develop writing skills in this medium. 

The World Is Open: How Web Technology Is Revolutionizing Education
Curtis J. Bonk, 2009. San Francisco, Calif: Jossey-Bass (371.3344678 B715)
Bonk examines 10 technologies that are influencing learning: e-books, e-learning and blended learning, open source software, open courseware, learning object repositories, open information communities, electronic collaboration, alternate reality learning, real-time mobility and personalized learning networks.


Wikis, Podcasts and Other Powerful Web Tools for Classrooms: Multimedia Kit for Professional Development
Will Richardson, 2010. Thousand Oaks, Calif: Corwin
This kit will help teachers to become comfortable with new technologies and learn to apply them in the classroom. Topics featured are weblogs, wikis, RSS feed, social bookmarking, Facebook, MySpace and Twitter.

Livres en français

Bienvenue sur Facebook : le mode d’emploi
Jérôme Bouteiller, Claire Germouty et Karine Papillaud, 2008 (006.71 B778)
Que vous soyez débutant ou déjà mordu, un particulier ou un professionnel, ce guide pratique est bourré d’astuces et de conseils pour une utilisation optimale de Facebook. Il est enrichi de témoignages et répondra à toutes les questions que vous pourriez vous poser à son sujet.

Blogs & podcasts
Loïc Le Meur et Laurence Beauvais, 2007 (025.04 L553)
Les blogs, qu’ils soient « perso » ou professionnels, nous divertissent ou nous informent sur les sujets qui nous intéressent ou nous touchent. Si vous souhaitez partir à la découverte de la blogosphère et tout savoir sur les blogs et les podcasts, ce livre a été écrit pour vous.

Blogs, podcasts et videoblogs
Michel Martin, 2005 (025.04 M382)
Petit manuel pour découvrir comment « consommer » gratuitement des contenus texte, audio et vidéo pour créer et enrichir votre propre « blogosphère ».

Déployer un projet Web 2.0 : anticiper le Web sémantique (Web 3.0)
Gabriel Képéklian et Jean-Louis Lequeux, 2009 (004.69 K38)
Ce livre pourrait être utile aux adeptes des nouvelles technologies, et aux directions d’entreprises ou d’établissements scolaires qui souhaiteraient mieux comprendre le fonctionnement des nouveaux outils et services d’Internet.

Du Web 2.0 au Web 3.0 : les nouveaux services Internet
Jean-Noël Anderruthy, 2009 (004.69 A543)
Empruntez ce guide technique si vous souhaitez générer des flux RSS, développer vos propres systèmes d’information et moteurs de recherches personnalisés, construire des applications multimédia, créer vous-mêmes des Widgets, produire vos présentations avec Zentation ou gérer vos photos avec Flickr ou Picasa, et plus encore!

Enseigner : la raison par l’émotion
Jean Saucier, 2007 (371.1023 S255)
La pédagogie est une science, mais aussi tout un art. Le pédagogue doit comprendre que dans la relation pédagogique l’émotion est toujours présente. Celle-ci, loin d’être une entrave à l’apprentissage, doit devenir le fil qui facilite la démarche d’apprentissage.

Facebook : on s’y retrouve!
Éric Delcroix et Alban Martin, 2008 (006.71 M379)
Ce guide sur la version française de Facebook, vous permettra de découvrir les mille et une facettes de cette formidable plateforme.

Informatique et nouvelles pratiques d’écriture
Nicole Marty, 2005 (372.634 M388)
Voici un ouvrage pédagogique particulièrement bien rédigé et très intéressant sur ce sujet d’actualité. Le lecteur y découvrira comment l’informatique faisait déjà  évoluer, en 2003, les façons d’écrire des petits Français à l’école… ceux-ci se montraient de plus en plus motivés à communiquer par le biais des outils informatiques. Enseignants et parents, intrigués, se posaient déjà bien des questions, comme « Le SMS, une écriture en voie de mondialisation? »

Tout sur les outils Google
Jean-Philippe Élie, 2008 (025.04 E42)
Découvrez ou redécouvrez les outils gratuits, astucieux et innovants de la galaxie Google, et apprenez à les utiliser de façon optimale.

Tout sur le Web 2.0
Capucine Cousin, 2008 (004.69 C867)
Véritable révolution de l’internet, le « Web 2.0 » place l’utilisateur, devenu acteur du web et de son propre réseau, au cœur de la toile. Cet ouvrage fait le point sur les applications nombreuses et variées du Web 2.0 et leurs spécificités dans différents domaines.

Tim Collins, 2009 (004.691 C713)
Twitter est le nouveau site de réseau social qui monte. Twitter est pratique, amusant et très rapide. Ce petit guide simple et plein d’humour vous explique comment l’utiliser.

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