ATA Magazine

What podcast do you recommend?

We asked teachers to lend us their ears

Dawn Thompson

The Brian Mendlar Show! Saw him at a PD session and he was amazing. My teacher friend and I sat on the floor for three hours because the room was so packed. He was so motivating and so real! A must listen if you have never had the pleasure

of hearing him speak.

Mari-Jane Eagleson

Ellected is a podcast sharing women’s experiences in politics in Alberta and across the country at all levels of government and political organizations.

Katie Chapman

Stolen: Surviving St. Michael’s. It’s a hard listen but such an important one for us to hear.

Claire Kraatz

CBC's What on Earth podcast about climate change. It will impact every aspect of our lives. The episode entitled “Climate in the Classroom” is excellent.

Andrew Finlay

The Strategists. But then I am a political junkie.

Melissa Steeves

I highly recommend Mountain Town Ramblers. It is a passion project of an Alberta teacher and his partner. They go to mountain towns, so far mostly across Alberta, hike and explore, and then eat delicious food. It inspired my seven year old and me to go whitewater rafting this summer and spend more time outdoors. I like it because it is local, funny and light.

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